Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Mari Merepek


Brain said :

1) Bekas kekasih saya adalah:
bekas pemain ragbi, presiden skolah dan juga bekas2 kepada kekasihnyer dulu. Dia suka sgt menjadi bekas2 ni..so dia minta saya jadikan dia bekas. Apa nak buat.. tapi nasib baik tak berbekas pun pada hati saya..
2) Saya sedang mendengar:
Lucky - Jason Mraz duet with Colbie Caillat. Just sempurna.
3) Mungkin saya:
terbiasa berdua tp kena sorg2 jgk...takkn nk masuk bilik air pun berdua..dush~=P
4) Saya suka:
bila saya ada banyak masa di rumah dan main sms apala lagi conteng2 di kertas.
5) Sahabat2 baik saya:
ialah pendengar, pengkritik, penggosip, pemberi idea dan pendiskusi terbaik!yang penting dia jugala teman gado2 ku..
6) Saya x paham:
kenapa saya selalu tensi dengan perkara remeh...especially ps "seseorg"..tp pd org lain..lantak pi la..
7) Saya kehilangan:
kata-kata bila dia sgt tenang bila saya marah2...tp sekali dia senyum..sejuk plk hati.. rasa nk baling tong gas je..huhu
8) Ramai yg berkata:
life kejam!betul ke?saya rasa awak je yg kejam...ngee
9) Makna name saya:
tak diketahui sepenuhnya tapi yg pastinyer di tgh2nyer ada cahaya menyinari diri ku..
10) Cinta itu:
ialah apa yang saya rasa sekarang =)
11) Di suatu tempat, seseorg sdg:
memikirkan bagaimana dia nak menang kerusi Wanita UMNO.. hahah! Sian..
12) Saya akan cuba:
duk dediam & jgn kacau org sgt. hehe, ok tak?
13) Makna SELAMANYA:
hmm, tu kena tanya INNUENDO la kut..
14) Henpon saya:
bese2 je...janji bole call n antar sms sudey..n tersimpan msg2 cintan ku..wuhuu
15) Bila sy bangun dr tido:
akan dgr azan subuh..pastuh pikir nk pakai bj apa n capai tepon kot2 la "dia" anta msg masa tgh tdo..
16) Saya paling meluat apabila:
org ckp belit2 pastuh dah janji takmo tepati..nak aje ku sekeh2 kepala lutut tuh
17) Party adalah:
jamuan dalam bahasa melayunyer...=P
18) Haiwan yg paling cute penah sy jumpe:
cipan..oopss..silap2..CHIPMUNKKKKKKK..comel gilos
19) Peringkat umur yg paling menyeronokkan:
?? sehingga sekarang. saya harap masa-masa menyeronokkan ini takkan berakhir..
20) Hari ini:
saya rasa sgt rindu..hari2 pun rasa mcm tuh...(^-^)
21) Mlm ini saya akan:
beronggeng, eat2..camwhoring ;P ..my Iftar nite outside.

22) Sy betul2 inginkan:
suatu percutian yang lama. Walaupun saya tak la penat sangat, tapi entah kenapa saya mula berasa bosan. nk pusing2 satu dunia..sila SPONSOR!!
23) Bile tgk muka di cermin pagi td:
cakap pada diri sendiri..ENNY mmg sgt comel...ahahhaha~


p/s: this is what gonna happen bila dasar takde keje di siang hr…huhu~

Plot of Life


Brain said :

My life has a superb cast but i can't figure out the plot….

4910023530_fb5635f421 4910029592_cc6740aa53

Can i make a plot like this?Easy peasy..;P

Waste Sometimes With You


Heart said:

Hehe..Don't get me wrong..YES!waste sometimes with you but it is worth it. And most important things is I'm HAPPY to see your precious smile.

MERDEKA Day? Owh my I can't stop smiling as I feel so good today.Merdeka kah diri ku??Hurmm..In my scent, I'm MERDEKA as all the kekusutan has gone away..Shuuhshuu...Don't come back ok En.Kusut! Just a quote i wrote some times back will make you understand why i feel ELATED today!;D


Everyone special in your life, even the people who really make you mad sometimes. Whether we realize it or not, everyone we know is very special to us. When we look back on our younger years, we will remember the people who went to school with us, the people who made us laugh, the people who hung out with us when nobody else would, and the people who made our lives much better simply by being a part of it.

There may be somebody who is thinking about you RIGHT NOW and wishing that you were around. That's the wonderful thing about friendship-you always feel loved and cared about.

The most important thing to remember is... Always appreciate the friends that you have. A fight may come and go very easily, but a friendship could last forever. For every second spent in anger, a minute of happiness is wasted..



tumblr_l6i8nnHXx21qzj9qpo1_500Mode: Songs from Mike Prabawa is playing. (tenkiu E.Akif..)


Friday, August 27, 2010


Heart said:

Officially this is my first write up as for the past few days my heart n brains didn't sync to catch up with. Is it a lot to think or to do? I can't answer it as my neurons seems like rejecting what my heart say.

But few friends seems like very catching up with my swing mode.
U seem very lively..Happy...Looks can be deceiving kan...U ok? -Hadi
Babes are you ok? - GG
Ala takmo la mcmni, takbest la u da tak girang2 mcm selalu -Akif

I can only smile..and the smile continuously when i received this song from my dearest Akif with pesanan "always smile k dear? no nanges2..hehe"

Here are the lyrics of the song as there are no video that i can find to post it here and share with you.
Tersenyumlah (Naif)

Walau kau bersedih janganlah menangis oh sayangku
Tersenyumlah meski kau terluka
Ku tau kau sedih janganlah berlarut
Tersenyumlah dunia kan bersinar

Kalau duka menyerang jiwa biar hanya hati yang merasa
Tersenyum yang manis biar dunia lebih
Bersinar cerah

Kini kau tak sedih ku jadi bahagia
Memandang mu tersenyumlah dunia kan bersinar 

P/S: Thank you ANGELSS...as you're always there..^_^