Thursday, December 30, 2010

Setiap Detik


Heart is singing :

Love is in the air! How I can just smile listening to it and falling in love with it. And it reminds me of your singing last week which touched my lil heart with you song “ Belaian Jiwa”. How I miss to listen to it..and I know you can also sing this with your ‘boo’..;P

Setiap detik
Engkau yang dalam mimpiku
Setiap siang malam menggangguku
Tak lelap tidurku karena dirimu

Setiap waktu
Engkau yang selalu menghantuiku
Tak pernah lari dari fikiranku
Tak mau hilang dari ingatanku
Tahukah engkau
Saat gelap datang
Aku masih mencarimu
Engkau dimana

Tapi mengapa saat ku terjaga
Kau masih tak disampingku
Sampai kapankah aku menantimu
Selalu menantiku

Setiap detik aku memikirkanmu
Setiap detik rindu meracuniku
Setiap detik teringatku padamu
Setiap detik apa terus begini

Ku mohon dengarlah rintihan hati ini
Yang ku curahkan seraya ku bernyanyi
Sampai kapankah aku terus begini
Ku harap kau 'kan kembali kepadaku


Wednesday, December 29, 2010



Brain like exploding :

Some people just can’t stop being super duper humongous ANNOYING! Rasa cam nk crush penyek2 je kan. Huh~ STOP!! With your stupid annoying says as it make me feel just wanna shout “GET A LIFE!”

What more that you want from me? Being sassy, perfect little girl next door, so mushy2 adorable pathetic girl? ..ha..FYI , that is not me! Do I make myself clear ? Or you want me to spell it to you… Get a grip!

Ye, saya memang emo hari ni tapi I still can think straight.

Stop repeating things on me as it can be really annoying and the results you just could get of one letter word from it..

The thing about me is that I care too much. I can’t act like things don’t affect me as much as the big things in my life. I can’t sit around and pretend that everything is alright, – but most of all, I can’t brush things off and say I don’t feel, because I feel way too much. And sometimes that’s my best quality, but today it’s my worst!

Sunrise_forest_by_pyromaniac I just need to be by myself for now…………..T_T

Titik noktah!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Next Step


Heart beating non stop :

And Brain can’t stop smiling.. I’m so blushing..;D. Wanna play wild guess peeps?? Hee~

We are starting a new stage..

Even it just new yet it feel like forever..

That’s what we call as law of attraction..

Weird but it’s funny to think about it..

Everything seems so simple and fall to place without asking..

How it make my heart jumpy and keep the LOVE close to it..


Hehe~ been guessing is it? Btw CONGRATS my dear friend. You look so gorgeous today and thanks for the special invitation..Terharu..;P

Fall on Hari Natal, great day for you to choose. Good foods, sweet hantaran, nice families, great friends and amazing fiancé’ to be. And I guess all the love has polluted me too..

Perhaps these pictures will knock some sense ..;P ( as I very the malas to create words peeps…feel sleepy with love is in the air ..ooppsssy!)

01My partner for the day – imported from JB > En.Kimia saya ;))


Fiancé’ wanna be getting ready with her mum be by her side


The guy side preparing so many of hantaran..nice!


Ring wore by future Mother in Law


Yeay..soon I’m gonna attend your BIG day..that’s for sure!

06*Wink.. love you D!


And I present to you..ehem2..he is my “GIFT” for this day. No words to express how elated I am of having you today and the day after. ;D



Heart beating :

Who are my biggest CRUSH???..Tetttt~ Secret la, mana leh tau…who ever already knew it, zipped it guys…as it will be remains to be one..or i can say..”you are the one that I don’t want” ;P but this one particular person are always around me no matter what and we are getting closer in sense of being friends which is a bit awkward though.(nih la bahananyer when you read too many books..;P)

One Q! What you gonna do if you do have someone outside there, totally a stranger having a huge crush on you? Freak out? Jumpy? Excited? Hermmm…complicated though right.

I think there are some sort of stages when we start to fall with people. Start of like to crush to love and yet it can be obsession. Each of those have no real definition, I think each varies from person-to-person and it only means what each person interprets it to be.
But to me, this is what I think each of the following are:

- Crush: Having an attraction towards someone that you don't know a whole lot about, but for some reason you find yourself attracted towards them, thinking about them a lot, and happier when you're around them and see them…and its like come and go.
- Love: Knowing someone very well, liking them for who they are, spending lots of time with them, wanting to spend a lifetime with them and create a family and grow happy and old together.
- Obsession: Not being able to get over someone, stalking them, threatening your obsession's friends or boyfriends/fiancés/husbands if you and the person you are obsessed with are not together. Just basically going crazy over someone and not being able to move on.

It's normal to be upset about someone for a while, so don't think that I think everyone who is upset over someone is obsessed, just when they stalk people and never let them go and always talk about them and talk about what their lives could have been and what you want it to be. Well, it depends on some people perceptions don’t we?

Talking from the experiences, admission from a person for having a CRUSH on myself gave me such a goose bump but then we never know what we really feel until we know that person, am I right? This is what I gonna do, I’ll give this one person a chance to get to know me and we’ll see in what stage we gonna be ..It’s a interesting story to be tell but i saved it for later yeah because tomorrow will be the ultimatum day for me to meet this person. ;P

I just can’t stop smiling since the day this person put his determination to get to know a person who has caught his eyes on the 1st sight. You ever heard of ‘love at the 1st sight’ right? and I guess its applicable to some people. Hehe~


This was the first song has been dedicated to me last few days : (sexy song…;P)


There are more but then this is the latest which actually I’ve heard this song before repeatedly, but yeah it’s been dedicated to me on my wall :  (sweet…;D)


And tell me why I can’t SMILE..??

I dedicated this song to you dear..have a safe journey coming here..I’ll see you then. ( I know you gonna read this and you know who you are..;)

Mode : Hati is singing!! ;P

Tuesday, December 21, 2010



Heart giggling :

Tersenyum adalah suatu tindakan yang paling mudah, sederhana, murah, dan menyenangkan di dunia… and it’s for free right! So :

Lima Alasan Mengapa Awak Harus Banyak Tersenyum :

1. Awak akan mendapatkan lebih banyak kebahagiaan
Cuba paksakan diri awak untuk tersenyum selama 30 detik mulai dari sekarang. Lakukan pula ketika Awak mengalami kemalangan. Dengan membiasakan tersenyum, tidak peduli bagaimana perasaan Awak saat itu, di dalam tubuh Awak akan terjadi reaksi-reaksi kimia yang dapat membuat aawak merasa bahagia.
Cubalah dan rasakan perbezaannya.

2. Senyuman dapat mengubah keadaan Awak
Jika Awak merasa putus asa, marah atau bosan, sebuah senyuman akan mengubah keadaan emosi Anda menjadi lebih positif. Dan sebuah keadaan yang positif tidak hanya membuat hidup Anda lebih menyenangkan tetapi juga membuka segala kemungkinan lain dalam fikiran awak. Awak akan melihat dunia dengan cara yang berbeza melalui lensa kebahagiaan. Dari situ Awak dapat mulai membangun sederet tindakan yang positif dan berinteraksi dengan banyak orang setiap harinya.

3. Senyuman dapat mengubah keadaan orang lain
Jika Awak berjalan ke dalam sebuah ruangan atau menuju ke sebuah tempat dengan senyuman di wajah Awak, akan membuat semuanya berbeza. Semua orang akan tersenyum semula pada Awak. Hal ini akan banyak membantu mencairkan setiap ketegangan atau kekakuan yang ada. Interaksi Awak akan lebih terbuka, santai dan penuh dengan kegembiraan.

4. Tersenyum, apa ruginya?
Ketika memilih antara mengerutkan dahi, ekspresi kosong atau tersenyum, tampaknya pilihan terakhir adalah pilihan yang paling produktif dan positif, bukankah demikian?. Seringkali Awak lupa untuk tersenyum atau mungkin Anda tidak terlalu suka untuk tersenyum. Tapi jika Awak berusaha untuk menggunakan senyuman Awak sesering mungkin, lama-kelamaan akan mempunyai kebiasaan yang baru, kebiasaan yang jauh lebih positif. Jika Ada termasuk orang yang selalu memperhitungkan untung rugi untuk segala hal, cubalah pertanyaan ini, “Apa ruginya Awak tersenyum?”.

5. Lebih mudah untuk tersenyum daripada melakukan yang sebaliknya.
“Diperlukankan 72 otot untuk berkerut, tetapi hanya tiga belas otot untuk tersenyum.”
Jadi sebetulnya awak menggunakan jauh lebih sedikit otot ketika tersenyum dibandingkan saat awak mengerutkan dahi atau memasang muka marah. Dengan membiasakan diri untuk tersenyum, maka otot tersenyum awak akan menjadi lebih kuat daripada otot untuk mengerutkan dahi awak, sehingga lama kelamaan awak akan lebih mudah untuk tersenyum daripada melakukan hal yang sebaliknya.

Jadi, senyum la okeh..Sebab awak sangat cantik/kacak/comel/hensem/ cute bila awak tersenyum.;))


To Realize


Heart said its true :


How to be 20 Something


Heart touched by it :

I’ve read this from my dear GF’s bloggy which made me feel it was really true and interesting to be share. So I decided after asking her permission of course, I reblogged these as for YOU to read .. 

Btw, no offense as all of us been through this 20s things. ;))


Be really attractive. Your acne is gone, your face has matured without having wrinkles and everything on your body is lifted naturally. Eat bagels seven days a week, binge-drink and do drugs: you’ll still look like a babe. When you turn thirty, it’ll become a different story but that’s, like, not for a really long time.
This really does catch up to you, eventually. But it’s all good and fun in the meantime. It sounds crazy to say after all I’ve been through health-wise in the past year, but I’d still do this all over again. You only live once, right? And I don’t think any of us want to live with any regrets.
Date people who you know you’ll never be able to love. See someone for three months for no other reason than because it’s winter and you want to keep warm by holding another body.

Eventually all these nobodies will make you crave a somebody. Have a real relationship with someone. Go on vacations together, exchange house keys, cry in their arms after a demoralizing day at work. Think about marrying them and maybe even get engaged. Regardless of the outcome, feel proud of yourself for being able to love someone in a healthy way.
I truly believe in both of these. If you haven’t done either, you haven’t had a real love life. This is not a knock on anyone who’s in a long-term relationship, but if you’ve at least dated outside of that or took time to be really single (i.e: alone but not lonely), you might have better knowledge in who you are and what you want, especially in a relationship.
Start your twenties with a lot of friends and leave with a few good ones. What happened? People faded away into their careers and relationships. Fights were had and never resolved. Shit happens.
I think if I knew this in advance, I would be apprehensive about it happening, but it does and it’s eventually okay because you realize who’s going to always be there, and who’s not.
Think of yourself at twenty and hanging out with people who didn’t mean a thing to you. Think about writing papers, about being promiscuous, about trying new things. Think of yourself now and your face looking different and your body feeling different and how everything is just different.
It’s strange how things become different so quickly.
Think about having children when you stop acting like a child. This may not ever happen.

I often wonder if it ever will.


Thanks G, i dah mintak permission kan tuk curik this..;P..can’t help it as after reading it I just fell for it and your perspective, the way you approached part of the articles just made me so jumpy! Sebab kena batang hidung kan…eheheh~


Monday, December 20, 2010

Futsal?? ;P


Brain manipulating it :

This were so non stop thingy..From working days to MAA’s 50th Years Anniversary @ Shangri La, KL to Futsal’s Tournament by KKM and lastly outing with my dear GF.. Phew super tired! So lets’ the pictures do the talking..ahahha~

MAA’s 50th Years Anniversary

BFF Wee~ siap2 for the dinner since alas perut wit our Subway..;P

Sime Darby Futsal Tournament

01 Miss Bie who mmg sgt rock tp still control ayu in this pic…hehehe~

02 Mem Gojes who that i love so much!Suka Emo tp sentiasa comel..;P heee~

03Motors Team yang akhirnyer kecundang jua..but then puas jugak la cheered up for you gurls bak kata Kak Tek “ kalah bermaruah”..ahahaha~

04Knew both them for sure akan pening ;P..Committee for the day! Almaklum la Motors tuan rumah kan…ngeee~ Pstt …Abg Ijat whats’up with pewut…Sexy you..Aww~;p

05 Cheer grouping for the day! Yeayy!!!! Posing je lebih kitaorg nih kan..;P

Right, most of pictures of the Futsal Tournament itself. As for the other events, whole lot pictures sangat la kelam…not sesuai for publishing..kegelapan melanda…Actually malas jua…heee…OOPPSY… ;p

Next time la k, if terajin bring my mr.DSLR together2…;D

Friends For


Brain reacted to it :

I’m just did some tumblrwalking and found out this one articles which touch my hearts when come towards the gratitude of this guy for having a friend that always be with him. Just wanna share with you guys : Happy Reading! ( tak nampak sila pakai kanta pembesar ..;P)

friends Well, I guess enough said that; how with a simple act can even change a person when you are truly sincere to that person right..;D

Friday, December 17, 2010

Curiousity? Define It!


Heart beating & neurons processing :


Do you ever feel curious of something? Feel like your curiosity are killing you softly..?

If you do, yeay..confirmed you are a normal homosphiens dan bukan sejenis alien ET…heheh.;P As for me, I don’t believe people have such high self-ignorance at all. You can claim that but you can’t deny it right..;D

Let me share some good articles that I read just now bagi memenuhi masa2 senggang..Sangat la kan..huhuhu~

Bare with me till the end of the says.

Curiosity is an important trait of a genius. I don’t think you can find an intellectual giant who is not a curious person. Thomas Edison, Leonardo da Vinci, Albert Einstein, Richard Feynman, they are all curious characters. Richard Feynman was especially known for his adventures which came from his curiosity.

But why is curiosity so important? Here are four reasons:

  1. It makes your mind active instead of passive
    Curious people always ask questions and search for answers in their minds. Their minds are always active. Since the mind is like a muscle which becomes stronger through continual exercise, the mental exercise caused by curiosity makes your mind stronger and stronger.
  2. It makes your mind observant of new ideas
    When you are curious about something, your mind expects and anticipates new ideas related to it. When the ideas come they will soon be recognized. Without curiosity, the ideas may pass right in front of you and yet you miss them because your mind is not prepared to recognize them. Just think, how many great ideas may have lost due to lack of curiosity?
  3. It opens up new worlds and possibilities
    By being curious you will be able to see new worlds and possibilities which are normally not visible. They are hidden behind the surface of normal life, and it takes a curious mind to look beneath the surface and discover these new worlds and possibilities.
  4. It brings excitement into your life
    The life of curious people is far from boring. It’s neither dull nor routine. There are always new things that attract their attention, there are always new ‘toys’ to play with. Instead of being bored, curious people have an adventurous life.

Now, knowing the importance of curiosity, here are some tips to develop it:

1. Keep an open mind

Be open to learn, unlearn, and relearn. Some things you know and believe might be wrong, and you should be prepared to accept this possibility and change your mind.

This is essential if you are to have a curious mind. Be open to learn, unlearn, and relearn. Some things you know and believe might be wrong, and you should be prepared to accept this possibility and change your mind.

2. Don’t take things as granted

If you just accept the world as it is without trying to dig deeper, you will certainly lose the ‘holy curiosity’. Never take things as granted. Try to dig deeper beneath the surface of what is around you.

3. Ask questions relentlessly

A sure way to dig deeper beneath the surface is asking questions: What is that? Why is it made that way? When was it made? Who invented it? Where does it come from? How does it work? What, why, when, who, where, and how are the best friends of curious people.

4. Don’t label something as boring

Whenever you label something as boring, you close one more door of possibilities. Curious people are unlikely to call something as boring. Instead, they always see it as a door to an exciting new world. Even if they don’t yet have time to explore it, they will leave the door open to be visited another time.

5. See learning as something fun

If you see learning as a burden, there’s no way you will want to dig deeper into anything. That will just make the burden heavier. But if you think of learning as something fun, you will naturally want to dig deeper. So look at life through the glasses of fun and excitement and enjoy the learning process..

6. Read diverse kinds of reading

Don’t spend too much time on just one world; take a look at another worlds. It will introduce you to the possibilities and excitement of the other worlds which may spark your interest to explore them further. One easy way to do this is through reading diverse kinds of reading. Try to pick a book or magazine on a new subject and let it feed your mind with the excitement of a new world.


The important thing is not to stop questioning… Never lose a holy curiosity.
Albert Einstein


P/S : So dear, it’s nothing wrong to be curious; as it is a part of learning process! ;D Don’t hold yourself, just ask … and its have no harm at all..;) Quoted from a friend. “throw the question to the floor”…(ingt CEO ke apa?ahahah~)



Heart elated :

Yeay, got my hugs today!!! From who?? BF? Nope…Fiance? Nope..Hubby? Nope…lagi la tak kan…*wink2* Wonder ha…of cos from my dearest ‘Rapunzel’. She’s back!!!..;P

It simply make my day brighter..heee~ Thank you sunshine!;D


Do you know that hugs can save a life? Ha…let’s hear the facts!

Hugging is healthy: it helps the body's immunity system, it keeps you healthier, it cures depression, it reduces stress, it induces sleep, it's invigorating, it's rejuvenating, it has no unpleasant side effects, and hugging is nothing less than a miracle drug. Ha ..awesome!!

Hugging is all natural: it is organic, naturally sweet, it has no pesticides, no preservatives, no artificial ingredients, and is 100% wholesome. Tak membahayakan kesihatan ye kanak2 melainkan anda2 melakukan perkara2 things-cannot-be –mention-here..TETTTTT! ahahhaa~

Hugging is practically perfect: there are no movable parts, no batteries to replace, no periodic check-ups, has low energy consumption, high energy yield, is inflation-proof, non-fattening, has no monthly payments, no insurance requirements, is theft-proof, non-taxable, non-polluting, and is, of course, fully refundable. Owh, heaven!!;P


by Mark Katz, M.D., Member of L.A. Shanti's Advisory Board

"How important are hugging and physical and emotional contact for people affected by life - threatening illnesses? In my work, I have found that people who receive nurturing maintain a better outlook on their situation -- and historically, positive attitude is an important factor in long-term survival. Hugging and physical contact make a difference in a person's frame of mind, and may help their medical condition. Best of all, hugging has no side effects and does not require a trip to the doctor.

"I recommend at least one hug a day. “


See, even doctors also agreed and have a research on this. What you can say more ? But guys, please don’t simply hugs people out of no where…mmg makan kasut jap lagi…ahahha~ There are guidelines for hugging okeyh :

Be compassionate, not passionate -- 
communicate comfort and caring.

Ask for permission -- hugging requires a sender and receiver. Accepting that hugging isn't for everyone is simply another form of understanding and acceptance.

Ask permission when you need a hug. Hugging for wellness is a practice of sharing -- if you need a hug simply ask for one. And if you receive a hug, let the sender know you are appreciative.

Take responsibility for expressing what you need.


So start hugging people that you love and tender..Nothing wrong with that though. It will create a smile on your beautiful face. Huggies for you guys!!! ;D

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Break the Chain


Heart feel scrambled and want to say it out :

Its like a curse or magic or I’m just have those magnets.

But somehow, I really want to break the spells. As what I realized and been confirmed repeat confirmed by resources (close friends je pun) that can be truly trust, yes I do have a MAGNET towards these freak people, which I can define it to heartless yet love to be pampered, reserved but only me can make them talk, talking in some weird languages that I truly can’t adapt, claiming themselves as having super power heroes ( dengan2 aku sesat krg) and so on. For me to make a list here will takes forever. And it is getting worst I can say that this late of period. Hurmmm….make me wonder.

But somehow, some friends also did this statement, don’t take it seriously ; who knows this is must be your X-Factor…and for sure something good will rise from that.What?? Just give me some clue will you…??

Pity to some dear friends who are kept been updated with such stories as I can’t hold to myself. Drive me crazy okeyh..Kasihani la saya yang tak bersalah ni. Avoiding it, putting a gap on it were the worst way to hold these people back as they keep coming and knocked my innocent heart..Dang!

This are so unbreakable.

And the BAD thing is …… i was in LOVE with this some freakko! Left with some quote :

But who can turn the stream of destiny, Or break the chain of strong necessity?

-Spenser, Edmund

people*Clap..clap…freaking good for you Miss E…! Ok nak pengsan dah…;P

It’s Time


 Brain dictated :

It’s time to start living the life you’ve imagined.

And I’m in heaven when i got to do this….;P except from PIPI and PIDO were not around as they sit on my kepala katil diam2…heheh~







Cherrios!!! ;D

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Lost Words


Brains and heart talking :

These are so sad…either you become a fashionista or a fashion victim?? Choose girls…its your choice and I guess you know yourself better than that. The only word i can say …OMG!! of what I've seen just now…

To be honest I just felt that I was in the wrong crowd..TOOOOOOO MANY CLONES…and plus there are some far more worst than ever..Err…I don’t think so I can elaborate more…(berbakul2 dah dosa I nih…ya ampun…astagfirullahalazim~) Too bad but that’s the ugly truth dear. With the fashion victims I can so called and the event was so a bit unorganized. Who’s fault is that? But there always a room for improvement right.;)

But the foremost I would like to emphasizes here are the ATTITUDES. I’ve lost my words to describe it. Owh, almost forgot we’re Malaysian right? ;P (some people will understand where this things come from – if you are someone who love to read..)hee~

I believe just be who you are far more comfortable than you keep on dragging yourself to be some else. Come on don’t have to be a truly ‘copy cat’ as we all have our own unique attitude and beauty which only can be seen from sincere heart and TASTE!..You guys total made me freak out just now. At the same time my bad I feel like just leaving the things there and there. But yeah..I’m no near perfect but yet I am who I am – thanks to Hafizi who keep on saying this to me. I feel good about it and so what? You should feel like that too. This is only my scent. No offense kay..:)

I’ll shared some of quotes that I hold for own sake :

“Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.” -Coco Chanel

“"Style" is an expression of individualism mixed with charisma. Fashion is something that comes after style.” –John Fairchild

The most I like is this one :

“I dress for the image. Not for myself, not for the public, not for fashion, not for men.” –Marlene Dietrich

Which is so true right! ;D

This is the event that I’d attended just now :yuna&hanaI know lots of girls out there even guys adore these two public figures, Yuna; our own local singer and Hana Tajima, very inspirational young designer who have her own line called Maysaa. Tada!!!..Hehehe~ I’d met them “live”. ;P

Dear Yen and Wahida, this picture tribute for you guys!;))

hana Yuna & Hana you are so cool babes! Sorry can’t stay too long for your events..

Owh, end up I ended my day by meeting my gf and her fiancé’ ..lepaking at the Curve with our own heavenly ice blended..eheheh~ ( just to make me feel better..heee)

gg@adly See ya in next event peeps!! Got a Gala Night to attend this Friday. Yipeee..;P

Sunday, December 12, 2010



Brain been doing hard thinking :


Came across with this advert ever since it been screening on satellite TVs in the Rapid busses. Interesting! So I’d started googling it to know more about this campaign. And yes I registered to be one of the community at RUUMZ.

Here are some message from the ruumzers…

AIDS. As of 2009, 33 Million people in the world live with HIV/AIDS. That is roughly the total population of Canada. Of that figure, 2.1 Million are children.

Since the illness was defined in the 80’s, many governments, foundations, organizations and individuals have rallied together to raise awareness, educate the public, provide support to those affected and combat the stigma behind the illness.

Is there a cure for AIDS? Sadly, no. Can we do anything to improve the situation? Fortunately, yes.

Together with PT Foundation Malaysia, ruumz is embarking on the AIDSAware Project to raise awareness on AIDS by allowing everyone of us to not only share and spread the message, but to BE a message itself.

The aim of this project is too reduce the spread of the illness and minimize the number of new cases every year. Ultimately, we want to see AIDS alive only in memory.

The AIDSAware project hopes to achieve this aim primarily through “photo messages”, where the public is encouraged to take a photo of themselves or their friends with an AIDS related message on a placard. Examples of these AIDS related placard messages include “STOP AIDS”, “34% of reported HIV cases in Malaysia are in their twenties”, “870 children under the age of 13 is living with HIV in Malaysia” and other messages to encourage safer sex. These messages can be found and downloaded from

AIDSAware is looking to raise 13,000 “photo messages” uploaded on for AIDS awareness in memory of those that have lost their battle with AIDS in Malaysia.

To stand up, be heard and to make a difference, you can.

We can achieve global solidarity, beginning in Malaysia with this project to make a positive contribution in this ongoing battle with AIDS. To do so, it needs all the help and understanding each of us can offer. Let’s start the healing process.

It is bad enough that people are dying of AIDS, but no one should die of ignorance.
~Dame Elizabeth Taylor~
Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can
~Arthur Ashe~ The only African American to win the Wimbledon, US Open and Australian Open. Passed away in 1993 due to complications from AIDS.

Together, we can Be The Message to stop HIV/AIDS.
Join us is collecting 13,000 Photo Messages on HIV/AIDS Prevention and Non-Discrimination by December 2010. 
Your Photo Message could save a brother, a sister, a relative, a friend or even an stranger from HIV/AIDS.

1. Create A Photo Message by taking a photo with your own AIDSAware message or download the AIDSAware messages here (English, BM & Chinese)
2. Upload your Photo Message HERE to the folder "AIDSAware Messages" (you will need to sign up first)
To highlight that 13,000 people have died from AIDS to date in Malaysia, and to create further awareness on HIV/AIDS prevention by displaying & sharing these Photo Messages to the public online. Photo Messages collected by January 2010 (extended upon request by our partners) will be displayed in one of the largest Social Photographic Exhibitions ever attempted in February 2011 at the Gardens, Mid Valley.  
By December 2010. 

Additional to it, you can also get this: 

The Limited Edition AIDSAware 2011 Calendar

It's beautiful, it's unique, it's limited, it's for a good cause. Only RM29.90 at all The Body Shop outlets nationwide. Get yours today!

calender1P/S : Dear GFs , we have a project to do this tomorrow k. I’ll bring up my DLSR, snap2 and being a part of this..Cool!!;D + we do have an event to attend too..heee~ cherrioo!!!!;P 

I’ll update the pics of us of being a part of the campaign later yeah..

To be continue….

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Rapunzel VS Azuin


Brain tick tocking :

I know this story has been a while been playing in cinema through out the world. Yet I just watched it ! ( Yeah kinda lame as its been a while I didn't watch any movies..sedih kan..jum teman!) ;P..Can’t stop laughing as the character of RAPUNZEL remind me of my another GF…which is sooooo her.OMG!!! and YES I am addicted with animation especially from DISNEY. Can’t help and my fantasy!;P


It’s time to meet the characters of TANGLED, Disney’s new animation starring the voices of Mandy Moore, Zachary Levi, Donna Murphy, and directed by Byron Howard and Nathan Greno. Tangled has released to theaters on November 24, 2010.


Tangled Synopsis: Walt Disney Pictures presents TANGLED, one of the most hilarious, hair-raising tales ever told. When the kingdom’s most wanted—and most charming—bandit Flynn Rider (voice of ZACHARY LEVI) hides out in a mysterious tower, he’s taken hostage by Rapunzel (voice of MANDY MOORE), a beautiful and feisty tower-bound teen with 70 feet of magical, golden hair. Flynn’s curious captor, who’s looking for her ticket out of the tower where she’s been locked away for years, strikes a deal with the handsome thief and the unlikely duo sets off on an action-packed escapade, complete with a super-cop horse, an over-protective chameleon and a gruff gang of pub thugs. In theaters this holiday season in Disney Digital 3D™, TANGLED is a story of adventure, heart, humor and hair—lots of hair.

Meet the characters (my favorite is of course the Rapunzel herself…she’s reason enough to watch the movie… seriously):

Tangled movie | Rapunzel

RAPUNZEL may have lived her entire life locked inside a hidden tower, but Rapunzel is no damsel in distress. The girl with the 70 feet of golden hair is an energetic, inquisitive teenager who fills her days with art, books, and imagination. Rapunzel is full of curiosity about the outside world, and she can’t help but feel that her true destiny lies outside of the lonely tower walls. Rapunzel has always obeyed Mother Gothel by staying hidden away and keeping her magical hair a secret… but with her 18th birthday just a day away, she is fed up with her sheltered life and ready for adventure. When a charming thief seeks refuge in her tower, Rapunzel defies Gothel and seizes the opportunity to answer the call of the kingdom. With the unwilling Flynn Rider along for the journey, Rapunzel leaves the tower for the first time, and begins a hilarious, hair-raising journey that will untangle many secrets along the way.


Tangled movie | Flynn Rider | Rapunzel

The ultra-confident FLYNN RIDER is his own biggest fan, and he has long relied on his wit, charm and good looks to get out of even the stickiest situation – and Flynn’s life just happens to be full of sticky situations. Flynn is a thief looking for the one last, big score that will allow him to finally live the life he’s always dreamed of. He’s never been closer to having it all when he meets Rapunzel, an odd girl with ridiculously long hair. Rapunzel seems to be the only girl in the world immune to Flynn’s moves, and for the first time ever he seems to have met his match. An unlikely alliance with this girl from the tower sends Flynn on the adventure of a lifetime, and helps him realize that sometimes you don’t know what you want… until it hits you over the head… literally.


Tangled movie | Pacal

Rapunzel’s one true friend is her silent, color-changing sidekick, PASCAL. Pascal may be just a small chameleon, but he plays a big role in Rapunzel’s life. Confidante, coach and cheerleader, Pascal is a driving force behind Rapunzel’s decision to leave her lonely tower. This supportive and encouraging companion’s true colors just might hold a key to unlocking a royal mystery.


Tangled movie | Maximus

The Captain of the Guard’s horse, MAXIMUS, has made it his personal mission to capture the wanted criminal, Flynn Rider. Fearless in his pursuit, the horse defies danger to follow Flynn where other guards refuse to go – it seems nothing will stop this “tough-guy cop” from getting his man. Once Maximus meets Rapunzel his heart softens, and he begins to see the world differently. What started as a relentless pursuit may just be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.


Tangled movie | Mother Gothel

She may be controlling, manipulative and over-protective, but MOTHER GOTHEL (featuring the voice talents of Donna Murphy) is the only mother Rapunzel has ever known. By stealing Rapunzel as an infant and raising her in the tower, Gothel ensured that she alone would have access to Rapunzel’s magical hair, which she uses as her personal fountain of youth. Gothel loves Rapunzel more as a possession than as a daughter, and uses every weapon in her arsenal – including a constant flow of subtle jabs, backhanded compliments and over-the-top guilt trips – to keep Rapunzel hidden away. When Rapunzel finally defies her wishes and ventures out into the world, the delightfully deranged Gothel will to stop at nothing to get her little girl back into the tower.


Tangled movie | Pub Thugs


Few thugs are quite as tough – or as terrifying – as the menacing HOOKHAND (voiced by Brad Garrett.) No one knows how he lost his hand, and no one in his right mind would stick around to find out. Hookhand has big plans for his hook—he knows just how to use it: to make beautiful music. In fact, he dreams of one day being a concert pianist.

Let’s face it: BIG NOSE THUG is not the most handsome chap in the pub. In fact, with his boils, scabs, lumps and bruises, some might find him a little hard to look at. But you can’t judge a book by its cover, and you shouldn’t judge a thug by his scars; on the inside, Big Nose is the most “beautiful” of all the thugs. A hopeless romantic, he dreams of one thing: finding true love. Maybe one day he’ll meet a lucky lady who can look past his appearance and see his inner beauty and heart of gold. Jeffrey Tambor lends his voice to Big Nose.

Just one look at the fierce VLADAMIR will have even the toughest tough guy shaking in his boots – but don’t let his ferocious façade fool you… with a voice by Richard Kiel, Vlad is a softie at heart with a special hobby: he collects ceramic unicorns.

The smallest of the pub thugs, SHORTY, voiced by Paul F. Tompkins, likes to have the last word… even if that last word isn’t always terribly coherent.

The KILLER SEWING THUG is strong enough to rip you to pieces, but skilled enough to stitch you right back together again! You’d never know it by looking at this ruffian with his bulging muscles and bad-guy braids, but he’s really a tailor at heart who is more cut out for sewing, darning and mending than for fighting, raiding and looting. In fact, look closely and you’ll notice he’s adorned with essential sewing trimmings and accessories from helmet to boot.

TOR FLORIST is a tough thug with a green thumb. At first glance he appears to be covered in weapons, but upon closer inspection you’ll find all his trappings are actually tools of his craft: spades, shovels and shears. He secretly dreams of being a
Florist, and is more likely to plant a wisteria in your backyard than a fist in your stomach… but best to play it safe because you never know!

With a scary, iron mask hiding his face, ATTILA CUPCAKE is the most intimidating of all the thugs; but once you get to know him you realize that he’s actually a quiet softy who is more comfortable in an apron than body armor. Attila is most at home in front of his oven, cooking and baking away. His specialty? Cupcakes. He dreams of the day that he can put down his sword and pick up his spatula… and maybe, just maybe open his own bakery.

Ahaha~ enjoy it peeps ;))