Saturday, December 31, 2011


Heart writing this with her notion approving it :

Resolusi Tahun Baru? Perlu ke? You don’t need a new year to change yourself right?
Being alone like tonight, everything comes reversing by its own.  Rewinding every single thing that has passed for a year. Another year to change in less than one hour time. Hati tertanya2, apa yang dah aku capai sepanjang tahun ni? Believe me or not, di kala menulis entry ni…mungkin entry terakhir untuk tahun ini 2011, my tears dropping like nobody business. Thank God that I’m alone for tonight. So boleh layan perasaan sendiri kot.

To you, I’m sorry I xcakap pepe thru our whatsapp as I really nak you rest. Big games to come right. Bukan nak berahsia dgn you but guess you will know this soon enough pun.
How I miss about everything…. My Gf does knock some sense on me yesterday. Kenapa nak tanya  what have you achieved for all these day? Terlalu byk kot…easily I can just say 10 of it in one shot. That was what she said to me.  Maybe…come to think about it…

**   2 angels come to my life- one who already become a mummy to Harith and one who going to get married soon..( I xpernah ada kawan baik yg sgt baik di kalangan kwn perempuan until I met these two which I willing to sacrifice my life for them).
**   3 of my ‘pillars’  - which I think I managed to create a smile on them di kala they really down because of girls. (To see he smile, he laughing, making jokes, perasan xabes…he move on. I bersyukur sgt – I really doesn’t want to see you sad again)
**   Becoming rebound place –sounded like terrible right but I managed to make some people happy again. Until now we still friends.
**   A bit drastic changes in me, my appearance maybe. “Womanist is to feminist as purple is to lavender.” Depends on how people see that.
**   Kewujudan my ‘partner in crime’ guys mesti perasan existing of this person thru my entries all this while. Without hesitating, he always with me talking craps, gosipping, bincang psl keje, sakit..annoyed me. But there he is…always make me smile (and cry sometimes..)
**   My house dah siap! (Just waiting for furnishing- of course will ask you guys to come for house warming)..
………………………………………………………..what else…??

Actually there are lots small and big things happening in this whole year.  I just couldn’t afford to list it down..what u guys been reading up…it were my major achievement for this beautiful year. It will remains as my good memories to hold up.

Thanks, Alhamdullilah 2011. Welcome, Bismillah 2012. 

KPop vs IPop

Blow your mind :

HAHAHA~ ok bagi la i gelak dulu k..Pagi2...just checking my FB while waiting for a friend sebuk jumpa Boss dulu before out for our further discussion..Huu bunyi cam heavy je...Ok2..that's not the main point yaww..

You guys mesti dah biasa tengok this kind of VC kan...

Super Junior - Mr.Simple

We always like stucked in front of it to see how graceful they dance and how the music beats till we can groove with it.. Until you see this.. ( thanks to my sis, Hani for posting this...)

XO-XI -Cukuplah Sudah


Huh IPop??? Owh my muka...yes you can sing boys..but..erk??( Perlu ke tunjuk abs tu? If cam Rain xpe jugak..hikhik) I think this one better kot... See this ..

HITZ - Yes Yes Yes


More likely....also an Indo-Pop....but almost exact like K-pop... even the dance not that sharp like Korean but its so acceptable. Macam fenomena kan with all this..Malaysian Pop...?? Hayoooo tuh mmg i xnk post sbb leh mcm muntah berdarah to see those...ahahah~

But thanks to all just make a good start laugh for the day...senyum2 sambil bergoyang..layan je...;P
Ok peeps..nak siap2 jap...Later we talk2 again...Chow! 

Friday, December 30, 2011

Heart Change?

Brain do the talks :

"Human beings' hearts change, that's their specialty.
Forever? There's no such thing.
Love, then hate. Hot, then cold. Upset, then grateful.
Full of resentment,then understanding.
And it goes on."

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Iklan Paling Best

Heart just wanna share :

1st time watching this commercial advert, terkedu jap towards to the end...sweet.. Wish hard that #future son will be that sweet.. (huu..mode berangan ;P)..Nah see this bagi mereka2 yang tdk menengok TV spt saya..;)

Sayang Mama

Saturday, December 24, 2011


Brain can't stop ringing :

Writing this in the darkness of my room, try hard to fall asleep but I just can't. My tears doesn't want to stop out of no reasons. Astagfirullahalazim, Ya Allah kuatkan hati hamba-Mu ini, ujian perasaan ni sungguh berbisa.

Your existing just killing me, you made me smile without asking, 
You make me learn so many things in so many ways,
You make my life exhilarating with new things,
You made me feel secure and safe and falling all over again.
I HATE YOU, I just hate you but hating myself more of couldn't hate u more.
Can't you just be my beautiful bubbles?

Friday, December 23, 2011

생일축하합니다 to Big Meow! ;P

Heart singing because I can't sing :

Such a big time!! Hehehe. Surely ingat i lupa kan...dah mmg nk wish last nite tp ada org tuh tdo pengsan dah..kan kan kan..;P
So I made a special entry at Tumblr and posted to your FB wall...nak bg direct link dr sini..byk rahsia krg...hik3...

Dear Prince yg xbrape nk Prince la kan..;P.....

So many wishes
So many smiles
Too many memories
Too few words
With one big Birthday
Happy Birthday!


Sbb I can't sing such a big time as good as you (puji mengelat ni- u kan Anuar Zain..;P) cr the girl looks like Meow2 okeh to sing for you...
Wishing you best of lucks for another year to come...and that specific wish of yours coming true soon!!*_^
Semoga menjadi Superman, Chicharito, Beckham, Owen, Prince Caspian and Joker yang berjaya...owh another berangan mode of him..a rugby player body wanna be..hik3...

Xyah la ucapan panjang lebar eh..kang you kata I merepek je...ahahah~ (coz I know you gonna read this sooner or later..bwekk )

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Got To Go

Brain grooving to this :

Xde la related pun. Just love the sounds.. Menarik.. Yeah mari ditch je orang2 xperlu..;P

Riak & Takbur? Perlu ke?

Heart sinking & Brain manipulating :

Riak ke Takbur? Perlu ke? *Sigh..ok2 xnak mengeluh..putus rezeki..huhuhu`

Waaaahhh..xpaam2…xnk paam pun sebab xnampak apa motifnya. Tapi oleh kerana Cik Enny ni mmg si pendengar setia, kita telan kan jua la cerita2 begini.  This is just for sharing sake. 

Hermm camne nk start ni? Dah lama x amik kisah sgt dgn org2 begini..means yang suka sdkit riak takaburnya..malas sbb bukan dapat apa pun. But yesterday, received a call from a long lost friend (bekas officemate dulu pun). Emo nape ni? Rupanya tentang kisah adinda kami. She really can’t tolerate this anymore. Dek tahan sgt, xde kawan nak share, yeah tada….panggilan kecemasan pastinya datang pada Cik Kaunter Pertanyaan & Pengaduan ini..;P 

Issuenya  -BBM status. Aduh!...Okey pastinya not mine la as me punya merepek2 je. Huhu~ Ok2 sambung kisah.. Nak dijadikan cerita, major crack of her head of this statement “ Baru dapat 2 beg COACH ori  “ – tuh status adinda yang diupdated. Ok I xpernah tau sbb xpernah ada dia pun dlm BBM list. Tapi perlu ke?? Perlu nak mentioned ORI?...Sampai dua some more, COACH! As we know exactly what it cost outside there..either yg ciplak punye or ori pun. Okey to be honest taktau nak respond apa. 1st sounded like jealousy there. Biar je la org tu nak beli barang apa pun, nak cakap apa…xluak kat kita pun kan. 

Cerita punya cerita, itu hanya la mukadimah yang akhirnya jd final words yang buat cik kak sorg nih hilang sabar, sakit mata meluat tgk gelagat adinda yg sorg ni. Riak takburnya menjadi2 semenjak dah mnjadi hak milik halal si kawan ni jugak. Yes, satu ketika dahulu, kami la menjaga dia. Makan minum sakit semua kami yang kisah. Tapi sikap dia yg self ignorance yg terlalu tggi buat dia xramai kawan pun. (Self ignorance sgt la kan… pernah kena sound skali tuh nages gak penangan ayat2 sadis Cik Enny ni..ahaha). Akhirnya, mungkin jodoh dia, she end up with our own friend too…which as for now we more feel the empathy to the guy more than to the girl herself. Depan bini kau ikutkan segala, blkang….seboleh2nya emphasized to us jgn kawen awal2, surely menyesal. Eh statement apa tu? Well, I guess u guys can figure it out right? ;) 

Whatever she been doing, go, buy semua akan diupdate di BBM status..or FB perhaps..tanya I..mmg sungguh la xkn perasan…xkuasa la mak nk stalk org tak memasal ni..Belum born to be x penting pun. Huhu~ 
1. Makan memilih ( kedai mamak dah xlayan la..please kotor ok! – owh no…o_0 ), 
2. pakai memilih ( tau brand but xtau style…camne tu? Shud antar grooming class I guess ;P), 
3. kawan memilih ( pandang org atas bwh..what? asal ko nk kekwat sgt?..owh she really can’t be with people yg lebih dari dia, so she will find someone yg akan adore and obedient to her). 

So you tell me…apa lah kisah gadis ini berubah begini ? Sebab laki kau kaya? Kaya ke? Sebab ikutkan kemahuan dan kehendak bukan keperluan, jejaka yang sorg ni hari2 sakit kepala, serabut memikirkan mcm mana nk penuhi all your material lust tu. Harta dunia xbawa ke mana syg. Jangan takbur, jangan riak..tuh sume pinjaman semata kat dunia ni , xbawak mati pun. 

Ini la yang menjadi issuenya smlm. Berfikir2 jugak, actually issue mcm ni apply to words apa yang kita slalu guna jugak. Kadang2 we simply judge people ..”uhh muka cantik, portion badan  out…xpe yg penting kita cantik SEXY” . Huu berdesing kadang2 dgr ayat2 begini…eh perlu ke kluar ayat2 begitu. Tuhan bagi dia bhgian sebegitu rupa. Kita pun xsesempurna mana kan. Sexy tu subjective btw.  Other people will see it within you. X perlu di emphasize kan pun. Jadi bunyik riak kisahnya. Yeah, if you feel yourself cantik, sexy or whatever you name it..angkat tangan doa..bersyukur pada-Nya. Anugerah DIA semua tu. Bukan komen meleret2. Kalau berbicara soal ni dgn ‘partner in crime’ terbaik ku, Prince paling gila…he will answer all it with jawapan yang paling sarcastic abad ini yang pasti buat korg akan gelak terguling2  tapi xpe la…komen2 tuh kami simpan sesame sndri tuk masa depan. Motif?? Ok sila abaikan saje..;P

 Itu la kisahnya lebih kurang..mari2 baca ni share to you guys ( courtesy En.Google terchenta)

Imam al-Ghazali dalam kitab 'Ihya Ulumuddin' berkata, takbur akan menjadi batas pemisah antara seseorang dengan kemuliaan akhlak. Orang takbur akan selalu mendustakan kebenaran, menganggap rendah orang lain dan meninggikan dirinya. Sedikit saja di hati ada sikap takbur, maka syurga akan menjauh, amalan tidak mempunyai erti.

Rasulullah SAW bersabda yang bermaksud: “Tidak akan masuk syurga seseorang yang dalam hatinya ada sikap takbur walaupun sebesar debu.”
(Hadis riwayat Muslim)

p/s: Prince saya pasti takkn baca bnda ni sampai habes sbb dia mmg super malas baca benda pjg lebar camni..;P

Party!! @ Baci

Head banging :

Party?? Wahh Enny party2 plak kau kan..ahahah~ Eh jgn typical! Google please Baci tu where at...fikir party buih, party liar?? wohh nahe2.....zaman kejahiliah sudah lama ditinggalkan...Oppss.. :P

Presented to you, our MHO'S Year End Party ...

Date : 09 December 2011
Time :  5.30pm  7.30pm
Event : MHO'S Year End Party
Location : Baci Italianese Cafe, Citta Mall
Theme : Blue & White

Half time of working, masing-masing hilang focus sbb dah pikir MAKAN time!! Okey mmg ni la keje kitaorg kat ofis...makan all the time. But kali nih unusual skit sebab Boss Besar agak2 baik hati diakhir2 tahun ni, he said "let's bring them out"...nih la maka kejadiannya.Ahahaha~

The place totally closed down for our private party. Wuhuu..nih semua keje Heidey...full with props, presents and theme colour. Niceeeee! Seems like birthday party kan...tukar tema ada exchanging gifts jugak among us.( Telah termaktub di dlm announcement oleh Missy Heidey, setiap gift haruslah bernilai 30 hengget ke atas - hu agak kepayahan jugak la nk mncarinya. Sudahnya terpaksa bermurah hati, beli je la more from the requested) Once a year kan! ;P

Okey, di sini la menjadi saksi2 mereka2 yg mensunyi sepikan office yg sejuk beku ni menggila di luar. Lagi2 kalau abang2 and kakak2 dah start bertekak in Kelantanese dialect. Okey tuh I surrender dulu..;P Majorly, we were really having fun, laughing, testing all the coffee & tea (msti that place menyesal bg kitaorg party kt office bayar what..;P)

++++ Movie time!!

But the fun not just stopping there, malam tuh leh sambung gi tgk movie..PUSS IN BOOTS!! Finally...tetiba teringat character tuh like somenone. Ok kali ni xnak mention sape...sbb org tuh baca blog ni..ahahah~ Tapi leh ke u jadi Puss tuh? Hmm ..* sambil mengaru dagu*..Sexxay!! Hik2..
Ok2 dah...till next time!


Brain wanna say this to you :

Must be you so much curios I'm changing day by day ..either in conscious way or subconscious. Well so many way, so many things made me wonder. After a while, I'm so grateful to have this and that. Its much unexplainable by words. Loving it by each day. Just having enough hiding. Express it all Miss Enny. Time for to shine again.. Thanks 2011!! Thanks for being with me all this while...;D

Friday, December 9, 2011

Takkan Berpaling Darimu

Heart felt so near :

All because after I heard this voice.... how magnificent!

Never heard of this song ...then I just googled who the real singer..and here it of my fav singer from abroad...seberang dekat je...hehe~  ( Cari la...;P)

Kala malam bersihkan wajahnya dari bintang-bintang
Dan mulai turun setitis air langit dari tubuhnya
Tanpa sadar nikmatnya alam karena kuasa Mu
Yang tak kan habis sampai di akhir waktu perjalanan ini

Trima kasih ku padamu Tuhanku
Tak mungkin dapat terlukis oleh kata-kata
Hanya Dirimu yang tahu besar rasa cintaku pada Mu
Oh Tuhan anugerah Mu tak pernah berhenti
selalu datang kepadaku Tuhan semesta alam
dan satu janjiku tak kan berpaling dari Mu
Ya Allah..
Ku kan sisihkan semua aral melintang di hadapanku
Dan buat teransur jalan hidup Mu

Trima kasih ku padamu Tuhanku
Tak mungkin dapat terlukis oleh kata-kata
Hanya Dirimu yang tahu besar rasa cintaku pada Mu
Oh Tuhan anugerah Mu tak pernah berhenti
selalu datang kepadaku Tuhan semesta alam
dan satu janjiku tak kan berpaling dari Mu

Monday, December 5, 2011

Life is Art

Heart feel :

I think everything in life is art.
What you do.
How you dress.
The way you love someone, and how you talk.
Your smile & your personality.
What you believe on, and all your dreams.
The way you drink your tea.
How you decorate your home.
Or party.
Your grocery list.
The food you make.
How your writing looks.
And the way you feel.

Life is art.

Mode : #listeningto OST of Secret Garden  ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬ 

Friday, December 2, 2011

DIA Maha Kaya

Heart saying :

Its totally a heartbreakdown for a moment last night...caused by sumone I can so called a "friend". How frustrating to feel like this in the starting month of December. What a drama! Thanks to my King & Prince just being there to tepis all these feeling...Not worth it pun kan....

SubhanaAllah... memang betul Kau makbulkan doaku...jauhi teman yg menyesatkan ku...dekatkan la teman yg mengasihi ku..

"Bila kita sayang orang,
kita tidak mahu dia masuk neraka.
Bila kita sayang orang,
kita tidak mahu susahkan dia tarik kita dari masuk neraka.
Maka bila kita sayang orang,
kita akan usaha tarik dirinya, sambil perbaiki diri kita sama."

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Must GO!! Excited!! ;))

Heart so close :

Bunyi macam jatuh cinta je...huhu...tak just an event yg every year I will never miss to go ( dari zaman MySpace okey..huhu).. and here we go...they up again!!! this year gonna be really near to my house ( xla dekat mana tapi satu kawasan seangkatan dgn nye gak la..;P)

2 weeks to go....;))...mari2 kita pack kan every weekend with arts thingy!..Owh this weekend kena pegi tgk OMBAK RINDU!! Down...ahaha~