Friday, May 31, 2013

Crazy Pack ! ;P

Brain drizzling:

Eh boleh ke brain drizzling? Hahaha~ Abaikan kerosakan bahasa di situ. 
Yang pasti words for today " Crazy Pat!"... ahahah~ seronok kacau bdk sorg ni . Graduated from Melbourne Uni yang baru setaun je balik sini. 
Yang nak pergi balik kerja, or hang out..rely so bad on GPS. Hampeh sungguh! KL ni papan tanda bercakap la. Ish2...;P Surely xsesat one. 

Ntah, sejak2 back in GHO, cik Enny menjadi seorang yg sangat rajin nak pergi tgk match football division sendiri. Sebab?? Ada Farid Kamil look alike and mamat Kpop sesat mana nth- so very the 'Kemanan Pop'...hik2...ok2 actually both of them are in the same team with me -engineer2 on site katanya. heee~ and owh yeah we got The Most Eligible Bachelor CLEO Magazine 2011 kot..ish xingat dah ;P and this only chinese guy yg mnjadi a part of this crazy pack, I called him 'Pretty Boy'...ahahahha~ Tau dek dia ni mati I..miahahaha~
He and his words "Jangan nakal sangat! I'm watching you"..Huuu puhleassee! Hari2 pun u tgk I kan...Deng!

Basically in my floor je ada dah ada 5 players and even the manager of team pun level ni jugak. So sgt la senang nak dpt info and dapat makan free!! Sebab after the match kitaorg mesti gi isi perut dulu. Heee~ Makan sebelum main, memang muntah la kat padang tu kan. Eeee xmo jd fisio free korg.. ;P

Pic kat atas tu masa dorg kalah 10-0 with Plantation. Tapi sangat bertenang and bole gelak2 lagi. Cool betul..Actually sebab dah mengexpectingkan this thing to be happen. Hahahah~ Me and the manager boleh gelak je memanjang. Sorry guys!! tapi memang sgt lawak..hik2. Adeh2 sakit perut ...

BUT!! Overall we managed to get the fourth place out of 6. Ok la tu...won 3 games lost 3 games. And I went for 4!! Sorry lagi 2 games tu ada hal..heeee~ 
Yang pastinya, our team were one of the team yang most of the so jambu2 one but can play la kan...So, boleh diterima akal..ahahah~

Ok dah2 mrepeks for today. Nak gi sambung perang dgn PC yang ntah pe penyakitnya ntah..
See ya!! ;D

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Post Silence!

Heart said :

Must be you didn't see me a while in here right.
Hee...I'm around babes...xpergi mana2 pun. Just selfbusy with my dear life, adjustment and my dearest super hyper team. Huihh tak bernafas okey.
Lagipun memang I chose to remain silent for a while. Got hooked up with some complication.
Hey2..but I'm just fine k. Never better! ;) Cuma........hahaha~ later2 la citer...;P

Friday, May 17, 2013

Lasering GSC ^ ^

Brain reminiscing :

Wuuu, sebenarnya event ni dah basi citernya kot. Takpe lah nak cite gak..;P Ha len kali peram je story tu Cik Enny cukup sebulan baru citer balik..Miahahah~ Sowie...
1. Sebab kebzan super azalinya...
2. Tunggu pic2 revealed kat FB jugak (Galactica Laser FB page)
3. Nak jugak bg sebab kan...A.L.A.S.A.N ;p

Okey2 let's start the story itself..mengomel saje keje...sampai esok pun entry ni xsiap...huuu~

Date : 27th April 2013
Location : Galactica Laser, Mid Valley
Participants : GSC IT

Basically this was not in the plan how that I'm going to spend my weekend. Tapi sejak2 dah duduk GHO ni, I think I need to mingle around with these people. Cukup2 la anti sosial sgt! Huuu anti sosial ke?? Owh puhleaseee Cik Enny. Kih2. Itu pun main acah2 with my interns nak pegi ke xnak..bagi je nama sampai group2 berebut2 lak nak letak nama dlm tu. Weyh kalah xjamin ha. Hahaha~

Sampai2 memang la takde orang. Mekasih pada rumah yang dekat dengan Mid Valley tu within 10 minutes pun I can sampai. Ish2..Jalan2 tgk monitor dorg..Owh my! Ada PWC ke?? Deng! Okey time lain...ahahah~ Hu sungguh sensitip dengan warga2 PWC ni lagi2 yang sorang tu..bakal sakit jantung nk ngadap dia. ;P

Ramai jugak yang datang bwk family and so on. We ada like 4 diff groups..adalah jugak dalam 50+ manusia2 GSC IT nya...and I was in Green Hornet group. Kebetulan yang almost of us in the group sume pakai hijau. Sehati sejiwa sungguh... berentap dengan Blue Shark, Red Mustang and Black Panther sungguh mencabar jiwa! Sebab??? Their groups almostnya sume lelaki. Sungguh tidak aci! and........we have to play 6 rounds of serang hendap lasering people ni...Gosh!

Main dalam gelap mmg takyah citer la kan...byk drama je dlm tu, nyorok sana sini..ambushed orang xpasal2, salah laser orang..ahahahah~ Dah mcm gaya main perang2..
But then better la kan, if paint ball dah lama lebam2 blue black satu laser semata so xde effect. Huuu... rules and regulation lagi xyah cakaplah...dah xde rules dah pun, sukahati je main dlm tu as all of us known with our barcode numbers (mcm banduan je dah ha..;P) and first time playing this. Habes rempuh je. Owh sape ni? *tutup mata

Finally, after sweats all over the place, our group managed to get 2nd runner up!! Yeayyy...first attempt yg sungguh happening. Hahaha~ No 3 pun jadi la...than nothing kan...;P
Yeah and penangannya with this laser tag things, you just gonna feel the leg pain on a day after. Bukan calang2 punya sakit okeh! Hahahah~  why not u guys try it first then baru tau kot. I saje je exeggerate :p

Owh btw all the pics credited to Galactica's photographer yg sungguh setia snapping our pictures all the time. Thank you guys! ;D

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Most Character

Heart flattered :

It's been 3 months we haven't met each other. A lil bit crazy right padahal bukan jauh mana pun. Hehehe.
But then masing2 packed with programs and things going on here and there plus he pun bzbee with GE13 things. So have you vote?? Fun Rahsia ;P

Sabar tu indah.
Memang betul ia sgt indah. I might saying this as purest of pain somehow. But well its worth it.
And yeah we went out for a date before he will be away for 6 month. *scream!! ...hahaha~ okey tu drama lebih.

See? Dia ni mmg byk characters..suka buat muka mcm2..hehe~ Seeing him like this you wouldn't believe he is an ADO himself. Boss lembut sangat. Anak buah pun leh buli je. Hik2. But I do know he gained lots of respect from people surrounding him. Kuddos sayang! ;D

Being a kid ourselves for the day, we catched for a movie; Iron Man 3 in 3D....huu felt real oo..hahaha~ Selalunya couldn't be bother pun nak tgk 3D sgt ni tapi layankan je. Best jugak! Heee. Had our lunch at Sushi King and having our dessert at Yogurt Fruz.
Pusing2 again siap masuk Petronas Gallery for some architecture exhibition, having a look at Thomas Sabo and Pandora. It's kinda funny looking at his reaction. Ahahaha~ You will learn slowly dear. No worries. ;)
AND..yeah we super hungaryyyyy again at 6 something. Owh my, makan saje keje korg ni la.
Opps sorry kali ni xde foodporn pic of us sbb baru kluar artikel saying who loves to snap pic of foods and instag it are PSIKO!..ada sakit mental.. Okey la fine la whoever wrote this article, you jealous of those good food's pic isn't it? Hahahah~ Ngarut je ha. Pic are arts you know? ;P

Well dear, thanks for the day, thanks for meeting me up....even ada slightly sad part as got to know you will be far from me, I shall wait for you to come back.
Thank you for the sweet talks, laughter, teasing made my day

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

True Love

Heart convincing :

Ya Allah...
Tetapkan hati kami,
Kau berkatilah hubungan kami,
Kau peliharalah dan tunjukkan kami ke jalan yang diredhai mu.
Ya Allah....
Kau dekatlah jodoh kami.
Kami saling menyayangi dan mencintai
Halalkan hubungan kami
Biar pun kami terpisah, biarlah perpisahan itu
berakhir dengan nafas terakhir ku...


If you got some times, do try to watch this might see it as a part of Indonesia history but try to understand the concept of true love.

I'm so sorry..yeah in the situation people are in the midst of politics stuff, I just couln't be bother. When everything it just too much, this is the way how I diverted myself to find some good value in people instead of judging.