Sunday, August 31, 2014

Merdeka Raya with Summernats 2014

Heart beats:

Kala ambang merdeka I buat apa ye? Do the count down? Nah...tdoq lagi baik ;P...Hahahah~ preparing our bikes (sebenarnya abah yang readykan semua masuk dlm kereta ;P) I? Tukang tengok. Yup2 we ada event for the next morning. SUMMERNATS 2014!!

Tapi I attended for this :

It was kinda rare to get the chance for you to get on the track itself ...either you ARE the racer, gadis payung, gadis litar, those crews tuh lain citer...tapi kali ni we; the cyclist had a chance pusing la bape byk lap on the F1 track. Wuhuu~
It looks like route yang agak mudah, but ada selekoh2 tajam kalau tak hati2 mmg cecah lutut la jawabnya. Hahaha~ and got some bukit too..boleh tahan semput la jgk. Ish terpedaya sungguh. Imagining those F1 racer mcm mana you guys did this kan? In the top speed non stop...Okey tabik spring dulu la. Hee.
Hasil cycled, stop for selfie2, we managed to do 4 laps equals to 22km. Memang la sempat selfie, everyone pun buat bnda yang sama sbb bukan senang nk dpt peluang duk tgh2 track snap pic mcm ni. Hahaha~ Plus it just a fun ride bukan a race or something. ;D

Owh and our official pictures also featured in Cycling Magazine tooooo ;P

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Event Sana Sini

Brain stimulating:

After one another, bila you nak duduk dediam ni Cik Enny oi? huhuh~

Designed by me!! ;D

Need to handle this event too. Coming up soon!!


Di Bayar Cash!

Heart humbly:

Hanya mampu tersenyum. (Itu sebenarnya tabahkan hati...)
MasyaAllah itu pun rasanya seribu nikmat kerana masih mampu tersenyum tatkala sedang diuji. Betul tak?Yeah lately mcm terasa macam2 benda jadi. Orang kata DUGAAN, COBAAN...Ada antaranya jadi pada diri sendiri tapi banyaknya jadi pada org sekeliling. But the effect still upon me. Tak tau nak rasa apa dah sebenarnya.

And baru2 ni....haih la..*ish tak baik mengeluh.
Cash flow hay wired.
'Dayang2' ku ada terpaksa tarik diri last minute.
Wedding coordinator yang pebenda dia buat pun nth, found out ada info yang tak sampai.
Schedule training yang asik berubah, sudahnya clashed dgn tarikh the 'Big Day'.
Last minute instruction.
Hilang barang penting! (happened to a dear BF and me too..-sampai balai polis kisahnya)

Alhamdullilah all the hiccups above dah encountered pun.

Tapi terang2an Tuhan tu balas cash je! Ye, memang rasa ralat tapi at the same time rasa nk tergelaknya sebab musababnya dah tau kenapa. Bole fikir sendiri.
Itu baru niat, belum lagi buat...kalau buat, SELAMAT! *sarcasm  :P
Itu namanya kaffarah dosa! Tandanya Allah sangat2 sayangkan kita. Kalau tak serik jugak tak tau la jugak kan. I do hope you do feel it dear as what I feel. I really do. Kesusahan yang datang pada kita datangnya dari diri sendiri. Kena muhasabah sendiri, nak munasawarak pun bole, asalkan kita sedar.
Faham perasaan tu kehilangan benda, rasa susah hati, rasa nk menyerah...itu perasaan logiknya seorang manusia kan..
Yang penting kena redha. Ikhlas kan hati.InsyaAllah ada jalan keluarnya. =) And DIA pasti gantikan dengan sesuatu yang lebih baik.
Btw, senyum je. Sendiri punya salahkan.. Niat macam2 lagi. Amik ubat! Heee~ Ampun!

Allah SWT berfirman:

“ Dan apa jua bencana , kesakitan yang menimpa kamu , maka ia adalah daripada tangan-tangan kamu sendiri (dari perbuatan salah dan dosa) dan (dalam pada masa yang sama dikenakan bencana dan sakit itu) Allah mengampunkan sebahagian besar dosa-dosa kamu ” - Surah Asy-Syura , ayat 30 .

Monday, August 18, 2014

Festivaganza of GSC #aTheme2Wear

Brain reporting :

Cerita raya takkan berakhir selagi tak sudahnya Syawal. ....and I haven't complete the puasa Syawal still. Dang! Okey misi bermula ESOK!;p -sudah2 la makan tu Cik Enny oi...huuu~

Attending open house sana sini, pheww! I guess all of us have gain few pound caused by the same cause. Hahaha~ Ini kalau pegi healthcare mau la kena detect sia2 with high cholesterol. Ya ampun Missy. Puasa2, detox in progress...ngee~

And my event doesn't stop there...menjadikan hari ni taktau Open House yang nth ke berapa, bezanya it was been organized my crew2 aTheme2Wear across 4 tower yang paling havoc in SD. Yes we represented the GSC!!

Date : 18th August 2014
Location : GSC Constituency ( Level 9th, 16th and 20th) of SD

4 Towers in one table. We as ONE!

Tak pernah buat dek orang, Open House yang mencuri masa kitaorg berminggu2 to settle down this and melibatkan 2 floor serentak. Plus we combined it with our third aTheme2Wear campaign - FESTIVAGANZA! Sebab tu you will see us in so many traditional costume for the day. ;D (peluang tuk tgk jejaka2 pakai baju Melayu pd office hour..hahaha~)

As one of the 'culprit', seawal 730am dah terpacak at the office sbb nk kena mengangkut nasi2 lemak sponsored by GSC itself. Elok2 dah ayu bagai, ha angkut 600 packs to be distributed to 2 floor yang berbeza. Yeah the breakfast were on US! - okey takyah pegi workout dah for today ye Kak Zana..hahah~

Sebenarnya our Open House ni is using the concept of Potluck - so every team akan contribute or nk tunjuk bakat Master Chef sgt with their own delicacy for the day, to be share with other people. So secara tak langsung, we created the awareness of 'bersedekah'. Gitu..nampak tak bole selit2 nilai murni di situ? Hehe~ Tak salah pun kan, once a while. DIA pasti akan membalasi dgn seribu nikmat after that. =') Tapi mmg dah terbalas pun kan, gendang gendut tali kecapi, kenyang perut senang hati. Senyum2 korang, bergelak ketawa. Siap bole packing bawak balik lagi. See? Itu nikmatNya kan?

The event fully started at 11am. Terkesima kejap, terpesona siaplah..tengok the whole GSC sungguh2 and sgt bereffort to do the deco, wearing the traditional apparel, termasuk boss2 yang siap bersamping and bersongkok. Owh my! Cantik2 and kacak2 belaka. (I pasti ramai yang melting2 on the day kan...hahaha ;P)

But the most best part was, to see all Towers get together, sharing, laughing and visiting each other - even tak pernah kenal before this due to our work nature. But today, it just turned up to be a beautiful day I ever feel spjg I keje kat sini. Huuu mushy2 plak la kau Cik Enny. Eh rare okey to see this kinda of scene dlm dunia kami yg hectic ni. Colorful...and feeling2 kampung sungguh. Pegi beraya setiap 'kampung', makan non stop, gelakkan just so much FUN!

Paling epic, you guys penah makan sirih? Ke rupa sirih pun tak kenal? -_-Hahaha~ faham je kalau anak2 sekalian xkenal sirih tu apa... Nak dijadikan cerita pusing2 'Kampung Sireh Penang' which belong to one of our committee, deco...punya la cantik and siap ada tepak sirih yang lengkap. Kagum seminit. Okey jarang nak nmpk ni, sebab for the wedding pun jarang orang nk letak the tepak sirih. And THANKS to my dear Buaya Putih - ok tu nickname dia je..hee....ttba nak makan plk mende alah tu. Astaga... other foods byk lagi yang oi. Sirih ni jugak la yang you nk telan ha. Kitaorg sume dah pandang memasing punya muka. Biar betul dia ni? Even the kakak2 kat situ pun beriya tanya, sure nak makan ni? Tapi memang tak memasal, I terlibat secara paksa rela mendemokan how to each the sirih in traditional way and we became the center of attraction from the floor. *dah ku bygkan rasa pahit, kelat, pedas la sirih tu...hukhuk... Pasrah je la ku di situ. Muka masih bole bertenang lagi tatkala mengunyah sirih tu, joined by other two colleagues yg nk try jugak the sirih tp yang sorg tu failed dgn jayanya...ahahahah~ smpai kena hulur gula2 for him tuk bertenang. Hahahaha~ gelak besar kitaorg kat situ. Terima kasih la kan utk Cik & Encik IT buat scene kat situ kann.
10 minutes after that, mulut kitaorg kebas effect dr makan sirih tu td. Amik kau penangan dia..huhu~

Pix tak cubaan dr second couple yg nk try telan sirih tu. miahahah
The event up and running dr pagi smpai la ke petang. Selagi ada makanan yang terhidang. So kisahnya, mmg GSC tutup kedai la for the day. Hehe~ Once a year je kan ;P

With new comer, Dom yang kacak bergaya pakai baju Melayu for the event
At the end of the day, our own group Whatsapp berliplap spjg masa complimenting each other for a success and fun event. Adalah hiccups skit, but then what is an event if takde hiccup that recoverable kan. We learn to make it better for the next, don't we?

Stay tune for our next aTheme2Wear - committee dah bersiap sedia cracking the skulls again...It's for you GSC ;D


A Fight!

Heart tearing:

How hard it can be?
How hard you can get a grip again?
How hard you manage to compose yourself back?
How long you can hold your tears up?

Setiap titis
Yang pernah hinggap di pipi
Yang pernah dikesat dek baju
Setiap titis itu cikgu aku

Answer a question with question?
Its destructible.

Jujur, jujur pada hati,
Pada jiwa,
Pada akal,
Tenang itu yang di cari aku


" Semoga Dia menitipkan senyuman di setiap tangisan , pelangi di setiap hujan dan kemudahan di setiap kesulitan "

" Dan sesungguhnya Dialah yang menjadikan orang tertawa dan menangis "

[An-Najm ; 43]

Friday, August 15, 2014

Count Down! Less By Day!

Brain finalizing:

Should I push the panic button now? Or the fast forward button? Get a grip Enny! Hahaha~
Saje je tu ;P

Istanbul ke? Wahhh if it is really Istanbul, I might have to fly off soon. Heee but nah.. this place are inspired by a mosque in Istanbul itself. Tengok I baca sejarah pembinaan dia okeh.
Located in the heart of Kuala Lumpur. Need another hint? Started to guess ha? Hehehe~ ;P

Go ahead dear. You are welcome to be by my side for the big day ;D

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Raya kan Sebulan ;P

The big sis surrounded by all the kids . Eh yang sorg tu Boss saya! hahaha~

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Back to Old

Neurons contemplating:

Back to the old place.... the place I grow up with. 
Good to be back, same old place, same old people (mostly)..make me hazzy a bit to get blend with the ambiance all over again.
Am I here again? YES!
How that I forget for once I miss this place a lot, the people who are like a family to me.
Betul la orang kata after 90 days being apart, you tends to dismiss the bonding feelings.
That is what I feel now.
Not that I totally forgotten. But I'm bringing up a new bonding, a new relationship, a new culture at my own new place. It does generated my adrenaline again. Changes for good!