Monday, September 29, 2014

Start Your Engine..Vroomm

Brain documenting:

Nothing much to start the day with hikes up the adrenalin with a sport yang jarang2 orang nak pegi saje2 (okey exceptionable to org yg berkenaan yg like almost every week go for this -_-).

After resting for a while from The Bureau's last activity - Badminton, now we are back with extreme side of us - motor sport event for these IT geeks. And for this time, it fully fall under my responsibility - from the quotation, communication, finalizing the programme and the event up and running successfully for the day.

Go-Kart Challenge GSC IT 2014

Date : 27th September 2014
Time : 9.00 am - 1.00pm
Location : City Karting Shah Alam International Kart Circuit, Selangor

Being the committee, surely la I have to be early for the day kan...Rise and shine at 630am and straight up to the track. What a coincidence that our event held on the same day with The Sultan of Selangor's Cup 2014 - Selangor vs Singapore exactly dekat Stadium Melawati just beside the go kart circuit. Tak teringat langsung!

But MBSA dah bagi permission to the organizer to hold up the event for us, so makanya the whole circuit and the main road around the place has been closed by them specifically for us for a half day. 
Kalau tak dapat permission tu, mmg pengsan la to call back for the cancellation. Plus kalau ikutkan weather forecast, hujan spjg hari...haha..thanks to my Big Advisor yg tiba2 jadi my weather guy. Tapi...alhamdullilah, sebenarnya cerah sepanjang hari. Takleh pakai dia punya forecast ni. Huhu~

Started at 9.30 am with registration, signing off a special form for safety purposes, some taklimat for first timer. Everyone seems so excited.. ye la first time nk try kan, lg2 company byr and plus ramai yg declined the futsal tournament utk dtg yg ni. I is so terharu for your support guys..:')

After taklimat, time to burn the engine...hehe...practising and qualifying timeee...It just so fun bila tgk masing2 looks like mcm dpt a big toy to play around. ;P

Rupanya ada few yg mmg master driving the go kart. AMBOIII..dah mcm rempit dlm track tu kan...and the real race begin right after everyone dah familiarized with the kart and the track. But then we made it as endurance race for 60 minutes. Nak tengok lah brape byk laps u guys can do it kan..hehehe~  Perkiraan dia mcm ni as we do have like 4 main team:

Macam konsep lumba lari berganti2 lah lebih kurang..;D So either you can bare the vibration, the speed, the dizziness to complete how many laps that you can. Tuh yang mencabar tu sebab every movement detected by 'computerize timing system & result - SMS Timing Belgium' ...Makanya speed and completion of the lap come in package to make you the whole winner for the race.
Of course safety come first, helmet and disposable shower cap are provided for safety and hygiene purposes. Owh for who yang mmg a biker, you can always wear your own full face helmet for the race. Rasa more comfortable kot. Hihi~

Foods mmg we took in the package itself. So tak perlu susah2 cari catering luar, they will provide more than enough. A part of that, inflatable games pun ada for the kids sbb tau these IT geeks ni mmg family man semua. So happy time for the parents and also the kids kan..fair and square. ;D

We did had a good time!! ye la sbb tak pernah la nk jejak go kart circuit saje2 for non extreme sport guys right? Yet company giving the chance to experience this. Trophy dia pulak sgt cute. ;P Siap jerit next month buat lagi! Hahaha~ Amboi2 byk bajet korg kannnnn....sila tanya big boss dulu. I tukang organize je..huhu~
Personally, I felt so happy got to see the happy, satisfied made my event a big SUCCESS! YEAY!!

Btw, if you are interested to do like what we've been doing, you can always find for City Karting for a really good package and experience ;)

Pheww..Done with this by mean I got one last event to be handle towards the end of the year. Our Annual Makan & Mingle 2014!  - eh I bole tukar keje jd event management la camni..hihihi~ ;P

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Thursday, September 18, 2014


Heart touched:

Happy Malaysia Day to all Malaysian all across the world!
Especially to a big bro yang tgh jelajah Artik right now..Ntah dah sampai mana dah tu. Yg penting he will be back exactly on my big day! ;D

How did you celebrate your Malaysia Day?
Me? Started with an event that I have committed myself too. Ye lah, dah registered, dah pegi taklimat bgai...yang penting dah nawaitu awal2 lagi like weeks before..
Hari menjadi 'VOLUNTEER'...again! :D

The details you can refer to the previous entry. VVIP yang kami maksudkan di sini were 800 anak yatim yang dikumpulkan dr serata KL and Selangor. Wuuu sungguh ramai!

Tugasan khas: mendeco dewan makan dlm masa 2 jam! Which was sgt kebetulan ada a wedding been held at the same hall siang hari nya...homai....sbb tu we only have like 2 hours utk revamp from a wedding to fantasy land for the VVIPs.

And inilah hasilnya....heee...bertemakan Palestin colour as the main deco.

Sunday, September 14, 2014


Heart calling out:

Volunteers!! Publics.. do come and join us for this.

InsyaAllah I'll be one of the volunteer for this event together with my big sis (as usual). Takde orang lain lagi yang suka 'heret' I pegi buat keje2 amal mcm ni. Heee...thanks sis for being such a guide to me to be a better person towards HIM. Programme ni initiated by Kak Azila - the Telekung Project admin. Such a lovely lady.

Jum guys!! Cuti pun kan on that 16th tu..
Kita doa sama2 dengan our 'VVIP' - doa anak2 yatim ni HIGHWAY... -you get what I mean right? =)

Less Than A Month!!

Brain tickling:

Bridezilla mode ON!
Haha~ takde la...but at times mmg ada rs nk terkeluar jugak 'raksasa comel' yang satu tu bila macam2 la last2 minute mcm ni nk jadi macam2.

Yeah for past week, cik blog ni pun tak tertengok. I was updating and confirming all sort of things. Terasa masa tu ticking makin lama makin laju plk. Haishh bawak2 bersabar, menyemput nk kejar time ni.

Dewan Nikah - Confirmed!
Catering for after nikah - Confirmed!
Photographer - Confirmed!
Videographer - Confirmed!
MUA - Confirmed!
Goodies bags - SIAP!
Wedding Dress - To be fitting this coming 17th
Rehearsal - TBC
Guest list - In progress waiting for the guest confirmation

Apa lagi?

BERTENANG...huih inner peace, inner peace...Itu kisahnya as bride to be. Ntah kenapa lately mmg rasa super sensitive tahap max. Yes, I know there are some people who are affected of me being like this. Terasa mcm bukan Cik Enny kan?

...and I do really know ada yang terluka..I am truly sorry....I do feel bad out of this. Ya Allah, kuatkan hati ku...*tears

Ya Tuhan Kami, curahkanlah kesabaran keatas kami dan teguhkanlah pendirian kami serta tolonglah kami terhadap golongan yang kafir. ya Tuhan kami, janganlah kau palingkan hati kami setelah Engkau tunjukkan dan berilah kami rahmat-Mu kerana Engkau adalah yang Maha pemberi. Ya Allah kukuhkanlah imanku, dan berilah aku petunjukk dari kemungkinan sesat. Ya Allah sebagaimana Engkau telah memberi penghalang antara aku dan hatiku, maka berilah penghalang antaraku dan syaitan serta perbuatannya. Ya Allah aku mohonkan pada-Mu jiwa yang tenang tenteram, yang percaya pada pertemuan dengan-Mu dan reda atas keputusan-Mu serta merasa cukup puas dengan pemberian-Mu.

Ya Allah, aku mohonkan pada-Mu kesempurnaan nikmat pada segala perkara dan mensyukuri-Mu atasnya, sehingga Engkau reda dan sesudah reda itu lalu aku mohonkan pula kepada-MU.

Ya Allah, tiada yang mudah selain yang Engkau mudahkan dan Engkau jadikan kesusahan itu mudah jika Engkau mengkehendakinya jadi mudah.(Riwayat Ibnu Hibban)

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

... Ring the Wedding Bell ;D

Heart blessed :

The 'surat saman of Cinta' @ the wedding card has been all around Motorian and my fellow GHO people. The feedback...? buat I senyum sorg2. Hehehe~ Ada yang confirmed on the spot, ada yang pura2 terkejut (padahal dah tau awal2 lagi), ada yg truly shocked and happy for me sampai dapat 'pelukan beruang' and ada yang excited much to get the invitation. Thanks a lot peeps!!

Sila RSVP ye sayang2 ku. Kang ada plak yang kena duk bersila di hari kejadian ;P

Monday, September 1, 2014

Makeover With Lancome ;P

Heart blink2:

Bila Cik Enny bertransformasi dari yang sakan with bicycle suit to this!
Different? Memang tuh la motifnya. Dah nama pun ni make over atas keterpaksaan. Huhuhu~ Kalau tak dek permintaan bonda, semua gara2 bought Lancome perfume for her. It came with a complimentary of make over and photoshoot on the spot. What? Oh my, dah second time I kena mcm ni. Haha~
Redha je la. ;P

I mmg jarang bermake up so mmg akan jarang tgk I mcm ni. Guess next i  ts for the BIG DAY then...;D

p/s: jgn tenung gambar I tu lelama, nanti jatuh cinta kang ..hihihih