Heart feel so happy :
Huu yes berjaya mengelatkan diri dari event ini…
Yet I & my dear GF met this person….;P
Which one is better? Of cos the 2nd one
Nak dijadikan story mory….dari semalam melayan shbt tercinta
sorg ni kepingin ‘butter chicken’ kat SS15 tu…smlm tutup so pegi hari ni la
kan..sudah kekenyangan…makanye berjalan2 la nk cuci mata… mmg nk pegi
Iamjetfuel shop…eh asal cam tutup?
Eh tu Qi…duk depan kedai buat pe? Selamba je la tanya…sudahnye
dia pun xsure kedai bukak ke x? Fine…Kitaorg pun nak balik je la..rupanye dia
gi checking kat atas… Skali dgr “Girls, come up!”…..huhu~ ;P and Yuna is there…wink2…*
Spatutnye mmg kedai tutup pun accordingly to Yuna..sbb ada ‘masalah
teknikal’ skit….but nvm…the shop are all yours…ahahah..best!…GF I la sakan
tried baju, we even asked her how to wear the circlejet shawls…mmg xlokek ilmu
pun to share and mostly the idea came for her MOM…wow…impresso…hehe~ comel je..She
even like my winter scarf..owh if she knows la how beku my office are…tuh sbb
kena pakai camni..;P
While Jijot was trying her new coming shirts, Yuna brought
out her lil new friend to me….teka la apa dia…ingtkan org ke apa…rupanye a lil
sugarglider…nama xsure..LEO or SCORPIO..as she also donno what gender that she
been holding…ahahah~ sekor lagi Qi tgh main kat dlm ofis…still sgt baby…gigil2
menatang tu duk on our hands…;P…I always craving for a pair of them…but kat
rumah ada Meow2 tercinta..mau la kena ngap nnt…;P
She was a funny happy2 girl…sronok talking to her ..all
things purchased by GG sume discounted special by her. …apa lg…sangt happy la
GF saya sorg tu…lg2 Yuna always be her idol…hee~ Another dreams came true ha….not
in concert nor in an event …but personally in her own shop and personally
entertained by her and the bf yg sgt cool…VIP treatment ooo….hehehe….
Before balik of cos la snap some pic as kenangan kan…not
easy to get this opportunity yaw….and Qi la jd mangsa photog BB je la kan…tuh
je yg ada in hand…takkn nk angkut DSLR ke sana ke mari…ingt mamarazi?? Berat oi…ahahah~
Owh my..bila dah berdiri sblh2….okey terserlah kerendangannya diri ini and
terbukti di dlm pic di atas..She was so tall…Dang! Tapi lantak kan je…;P Then
sempat lg tu Qi was like..’that one really suit you’…he was referring the new collection of Iamjetfuel jackets…Adui….ha
since when you transformed to be a fashion consultant ni En. Qi? We all just
laughed all the way…ada backup plak kan..yeah later2 nanti I beli ye…
On our way out, he was asking Yuna tuk ajak gi makan…agaknye
she didn’t hear him sbb sakan berckp with us…and he called out “Yunalis, kita
pegi makan dulu k”….ala….sweet je… Ok
time to go…kacau je org nk bercinta wahai cik Enny and cik GG..;p
Nice meeting up u guys Yuna & Qi… thx for opening up the
shop for us…;D Pleasure moments..
comel je..;D |
Best moment…En.Pilot saya dah kembali…rupanye phone
hilang..ha padan muka…whatsapp bg intro nth pape…secret admire la ..nak
berkenalan la….ha mmg mendapat la kan…malas layan….cpt2 ngaku diri…ahahaha~… Akif2…leh sakit otak I ngn u ni tau…;D but I’m
just so happy you are back!! ;D Jujur ni..ahahah~