Wednesday, March 28, 2012

#1 Fashion Pick for Today!

Brain playing colors :

Ahaha~ screaming like heaven. OMG who ever in Paris, could you get this for me pleaseeeee (sambil buat puppy eyes...bajet comel ke? duh...;P)

DESIGUAL....ever heard of this? Hehe. 

And for lil things..

Why BB doesn't have this??? have to think of IP4 or GXN..Hermmmm~

Monday, March 26, 2012

Walk Down Memory Lane

Heart ticking :

Just browsing my FB time line..cewahh ingat Twitter je ada TL ni ke? Hehe..Saw a friend posted this one it does some reflection beforehand of previous generation which is my own generation..Uuuu tetiba rasa sgt tua...yg penting muda di jiwa kan! Baru awet muda..huhu~ Eh merepek dah...tgk VC ni...pastuh layan la memori2 zaman skolah dulu ye...heheh~

Later update more..kisah2 zaman2 skolah or I can say zaman2 jahiliah...nakal nye nauzubillah..ahahah~ percaya ke? ;P


Huh..tanggungjawab..ayat buku sangat kau ni Cik Enny. hahah~  Mungkin sebab penangan I ni anak cikgu skolah tadika, attitude tu serba sedikit jadi perhatian perhaps. Dari darjah satu sampai le ke Tingkatan 6 ada je menjadi mangsa cikgu cikgi ni suh jd someone with RESPONSIBILITIES  ...(padahal awak suka no duk dediam je kekadang kacau orang, buat keje sndri tapi masih menjadi mangsa kejadian. Haih..)

Sebut je la pe apa title skali pun, Penolong Ketua Darjah, Ketua Darjah, Pustakawan, Pengawas, Presiden Club hingga la ke title Setiausaha Sulit bukan2 Setiausaha Terhormat Board of Chairman (nak translate dlm BM failed plak..;P) ni sume zaman2 MGSKL & VI...nyaris2 jadi Ketua Pelajar Perempuan jugak masa kat ada sindiket dalaman sebab sentiasa dikelilingi pelajar2 nakal, maka nama digugurkan..Ahahah~ pegi pilih pelajar dr kelas paling nakal sape suh ( dulu saya budak Fizik Maths...bajet nk amik engineering lepas tu..tapi hampeh...)

Of course responsibilities tu dipikul sebaik mungkin mmg saje highlighted TAPI tu sebab I xlah baik mana pun...sentiasa jadi rakan subahat asalkan xmemudaratkan diri sndri..huhu~ 'RULES ARE MEANT TO BE BROKEN'..ahahah~ gaduh ngn Ustazah xyah ckp la kan...heee (dolu2 saya masih belum berhijab and even went to boys school pakai skirt je...kisah pe aku?) Zaman2 bengong..abaikan saje..;P Still stucked in mind how this one Ustazah teramat lah sgt xsuka me and my dear friend sebab we yang paling nakal and tak bertudung kat 'nice' la all the words came out from her tapi end she will shut up as we never failed her subjects plus we were the best student in kelas Agama tau...ha xsemestinye jahil di luar, kami jahil di dlm jua.. Sakit hati punye pasal we slalu curi makan buah jambu belakang surau tapi yang peliknye rakan subahat bila makan pasti cheryy berry but me steady je..Ha korg ni mencuri pun kot ye nk mkan bacalah Bismillah..kan dah sakit perut! Ahahah~ Ya Allah nauzubbilah pangai kau ni cik Enny ;P - Ok2 sila jangan ikut perangai ni. Dilarang sama sekali okey adik2...;)...Xberkat ilmu tu...heee~

Perhubungan @ Relationship

Kalau nak sebut bab ni, I memang baik sikit mengikut kata ibu bapa 'Jangan nk menggatal nk bercinta time blajar'. Memang sumpah tak buat okeh...Memang penepisan berlaku dengan penuh efisyen. Even school dr Standard One till Form 5, I was in GIRLS School...doesn't mean I tak straight. Ish Nabi xngaku umat tau. Itu namanya menurut perintah taat pada ibu bapa. Kan bagus mcm tu. Form 6 tuh dah abes skolah yg formal la termelekat jugak..Heee~ Opss...

A rugby player + a choir guy + a librarian, plus mixed Chinese Malay sape xsangkut kan? Huu sangkut ke...padahal memula nak gaduh je keje...even sampai skrg pun still gado2..sumbat berger baru tau..;P We love to stay at school sampai lewat petang. 2-2 orang penting skolah which made us make the school mcm skolah abah kitaorg..Ahahah~ Tapi memang asyik berdesing telinga kena marah sebab slalu balik lewat. Padahal bukan merayap mana pun, kat sekolah jeeee....:P Yes, we done with it but we still friends till now..OMG..dah 10 tahun.. and hye An, Ynne tau An baca blog ni dgn tegarnye..hik3...xBF paling setia...kuddos for you! Well itu la our puppy love...Heee... Dinasihatkan jangan bercinta kat sekolah, kalau kena tangkap ngn cikgu disiplin memang free je kena tazkirah...

But yeah...tanpa kenakalan semua ni, we never learned and we never have stories to share. I can say it was the best time ever that you dont have to think about anything else. Nothing else matter. But we grow up within times and history to make us a better person. InsyaAllah..

p/s: to kids kot2 la ada yang terbaca this, jangan ikut perangai2 ni ok..xde yang baik pun. nakal berpada2, just enjoy your youth times...;)

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

No More Dramas!!!

Brain screaming :

If you bury the pain deep down it will stay with you indefinitely, but if you open yourself to it, experience it, and deal with it head-on, you'll find it begins to move on after a while. 

Menyayangi @ Menyakiti ?

Heart embrace this :

dan bila kita menyayangi seseorang,
apa pun yang dia lakukan,
terkadang tak akan mengubah rasa sayang kita.
dan bila kita menyayangi seseorang,
apa pun perlakuannya yang melukakan,
masih tak mengurangkan rasa sayang kita.
kita pujuk hati,
“mungkin dia ada sebabnya sendiri, melakukan ini padaku”.
itu lah kita,
bila menyayangi seorang manusia.
kita akan sentiasa berbaik sangka padanya.
muhasabahlah kembali,
bila yang ‘menyakiti’ itu adalah takdir dari Ilahi,
mengapa mudahnya kita berprasangka?
bila yang menguji itu adalah Rabbi,
mengapa mudahnya kita berpaling dan berburuk sangka?

adakah kita lupa.
siapa yang lebih besar kasih sayangnya pada kita?
manusia atau DIA?
adakah kita lupa,
siapa yang lebih patut kita percaya?
manusia atau DIA?
-tersenyum melihat langit

Dan manusia itu memang sentiasa lupa.......

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Cut You Off

Rational brain saying :

"When I have an anchor in my life, its chain forming and growing around my ankle, I am best to cut it off.  I know this all along.  But, often times it’s new and interesting.  I’m curious and bored, so what else do I have to do?  But, after awhile an anchor becomes an anchor.  I lose interest and find myself slowly sinking.  So, that’s why I cut you off.  I need a breath of fresh air."

p/s : how sorry you are, damage already been done. I just want to live my life. Simple as that. 

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Touch & Go? Smart Tag?

Brain speaking :

Conjunction of me posting something in FB, ada orang ingat I was talking about the real Touch & Go...siap cakap "baru je top up RM10 tadi "...Adui dek non..bukan tu yang I maksudkan...;P

Konsep of 'Touch & Go" actually dah lama berleluasa. (Uish ayat buku habes dah ni..huhu) It just either you guys pernah terkena atau pun tak. Percaya atau tidak memang terlalu ramai people 'Touch & Go" nowadays...Its applied to friends even to couples pun. Agak annoying tapi it depends on how you take it. For me, if ada bunch of friends macam ni, abaikan je..xmendatangkan apa2 kebaikan. Ditch!! You doesn't need such fakers in your life right?

If couples? Hermm issue ni kronik skit. Kalau takat touch & go HATI je takpe. Boleh dihandle lagi...Ala nk frust menonggeng skali pun, take one two days je dah ok dah..nak meroyan lelama buat apa kan. Its not the end of the world peeps. Tapi kalau dah libatkan 'touch2' lain tu, becareful dear....spesis ni memang banyakkkkkk....they just wanna try, x best they let go or they try, tapi saje nk banyak kan lagi koleksi. Is it you really wanna be a part of this? Dia ingt ni macam buat Test Drive kereta ke? Or fitting clothes cantik tak cantik nak beli ke xnk.. Amboi! Jangan melampau dude! You never know how Tuhan balas balik cash je dekat you karang. Menyesal time tu xdapek den nk nolong ha. Jawab la kau sorang2. As you never know you are messing with who. Guna "Smart Tag" kan bagus, lalu je terus...xyah touch2. Haishh...dasar naga betul. Sorry I xboleh nak guna dasar buaya ke, alligator ke, anaconda ke...sbb this spesis are beyond help.

...but a bit pesanan untuk makhluk Tuhan yang sgt cerdik ni..I will say sesaat kau dtg, sesaat jugak ku gugurkan dr hati ;)

Life is too short to stress yourself with people who don't even deserve to be an issue in your life. 

Friday, March 2, 2012

Sumpah Allergic!

Brain drowning :

After a week fighting with my own feelings, today is the peak itself...I just feel not right, feel so sick... my energy drop down to drain hole. How hard I'm pushing myself up to the sky, thank God I'm falling safely to the earth. With helps of my 'Charlie Angels'. What a week ha babes? Harsh enough to handle psychotic like this. Memang sumpah Allergic! But my magnet towards this species are unbelievable.

It's like 'soHarianMetro' drama that been through for past week. How we have to handle things carefully not to make any grudge to anyone. As we are berdepan dengan psiko yang memang patut diheret ke Hospital Bahagia Tanjung Rambutan. This person are beyond help. We'll keep low, until this particular half human start to harm people... our plan its ON! Becareful dear you will not like it at all. You making things too good to be true but well enough you get near to a wrong person. I'm sorry but I'm no more with you. I'll help you if you let me to. You, the only yourself can help your own journey. Wake up please. It's hurting seeing you like this.

I can't always be the 'white kala jengking' as you will never know when I'm turning to 'hot red kala jengking'. Seriously I don't it to happen. Please.