Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Golden Silence

Brain dictating :

Speech is Silver, Silence is Golden
Speaking is good but saying nothing is better. Discretion can be worth more than even eloquent words.

Yeah sometimes I chose that.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Ubat Hati

Heart starving :

First nak buat shout out!!

Hahah~ positive sangat! Hope it will be. Pray hard! Even though  I do know some of us is having a hard time right now, even myself up. But then, every obstacle sure got some solutions to it right, look hard, try hard or just move on! InsyaAllah. ;D..#notetoself too.

I'm been hearing this song since morning gara2 Missy Programmy yang memujuk hati and tetiba dedicating the song playing at her wall to me. Hik2 lagu yang sangat comel. And Budi look a lil bit funny with his Akulele..;P Thank you babe!!

And yeah next week I'll be going to Penang to visit my lil bro. Am gonna start my travelogue again! ;D

Then I got the Shoes Festival!! Ngee~ Can't wait for it! (Boss siap called tanya, hey Enny you cuti time cuti sekolah ni you ada anak ke? Ada! Anak tekak! Hahahaha~ I nak pegi cari anak burung hantu ni even Qibby sebuk suh pegi Carey Island to see some owls there..hermmp! Xmo, I nak pi Penang ;P)

Friday, March 15, 2013

It's Not You It Just Me

Heart recycling :

Dear so-called-my -close-friend-once-upon-time,

Seeing you every single day,
Watching you the heartless face,
We just like shadow,
But do you know
My heart aching

The truth is
I stopped talking to you,
not because I don't like you anymore
but because I thought I was annoying you.

And I'm just waiting for you
to say that you miss me
because I miss you everyday.
Every hour, every minute, ever second
and it hurts

It just.......
Because you are a beautiful lie,
And I am a painful truth

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Furla Baby ^ ^

Heart craving :

Must say no words.This going to be one of my material happiness. Hee ^ ^

March Yang Pack?

Brain manipulating :

Whilst starting my day, updating all the cases, looking at my calendar..
Pack with VC session with diff countries,
with weddings,
with some events to go,
hermm..seems my weekend going to be so pack till the end of the month.
Ever since the first weekend, I am fully occupied till Adam gave a call last weekend "Auntie Enny bz eh?". Alamak! Sorry dear, Auntie have something to do..nanti we hang out together and spend time at our Mystery Hotel itself ok. That my promise then.

16 -17 March 
For this weekend itself, my schedule a bit jumble up with some event yang berlangsung serentak. I have two weddings to be attend and an art event. Yeah between Teluk Intan > Bangsar > Annexe Gallery, Central Market.. Let see how it takes..;D
Owh my God, suddenly Datuk asked me to go for a GLC dinner with PM this Sunday night. Corporate shirt or baju batik? Huuu Datuk, thanks but no thanks. I'm not interested in such things.

23-24 March
For another weekend, owh will be the Earth Hour 2013.
Ok, camne leh lupa ada Gunung Nuang expedition ni?? Owh my, Enny, Enny! -_-..yes lah apa pun xprepare lagi..sekian! Nak pergi taknk pergi, nak pergi xnak pergi? Dah la with GSC Finance yang memang sangat tak dikenali.. Hermmpp...pikir2...*thinking mode!
Eh ada orang kena kursus kawen la in this weekend. ;P Have fun sayang! ;D

25 -29 March
Between the date of 25- 29th I'll be leaving for Penang. Tapi tak sure what date, ticket flight pun xbeli lagi ni. Bagus Cik Enny.;P Huuu, jangan pusing2, saya memang begini, come with plans tapi semua on the spot punya decision. Hehehe~ Tolong jangan amalkan if you guys have a weak heart -if you got what I mean :P

30 -31 March
Towards to the end of the month, will be a makan2 session ...huu STEAMBOT session. Owh that remind me to order brownies from Kak Yam and cakes from Mummy. Sekarang jugak pi habaq mai..sat gi lupa!
Owh, ha nih for girls la...taktau la if guys pun interested kan..;p. Missy Programmer and Missy Lawyer jugak I seru you guys for this....hahaha..Let's!!

Ha, the Giant Stiletto Shoes Car are sponsored by one of our entities. Wuhuu..have you ever spotted this car in KL? Xnampak rabun la tu...Miahahaha~ No offense, kidding je. Hehe~ You can see these cars again at PWTC on that particular dates okeh.

Basically that were my initial plans but surely something will slot in in the middle of these days. Our Mystery Hotel sleepover, our night go-kart circuit session lagi... See?? Busy kan? Ahahaha~ ;P

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

I Need Someone

Heart craving :

For TRIANONNNNN! Sob..sob..hari ni takde orang nak teman..Hari jumaat la baru gi beli. Hee~
Best hari ni telah meracun Cik Nisa untuk ke Shoes Festival end of the months.. Darling! Jum la, jum la..hahaha...You sayang I kan??? ;P

Can you accept me in such way?? *kelip2 mata bajet puppy eyes ;P

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Heart saying :

This dedicated to all our lil heart for doing this for people we care, we tender, we love..

A sacrifice you make today
Will never ever be gone
A sacrifice you make today
Will soon be passed on

A sacrifice you make today
Will stay in many hearts
A sacrifice you make today
Help many play their parts

A sacrifice you make today
Will never be forgotten
A sacrifice you make today
Will never be mistaken

A sacrifice you make today
May even change history
A sacrifice you make today
May be kept in someone’s memory

A sacrifice you make today
Might light someone’s day up
A sacrifice you make today
Might fill someone’s dry cup

A sacrifice you make today
Will always be treasured
A sacrifice you make today
Will always be remembered.

~ Anders Lim

Way to Sit Down #Tips

Brain inhaling :

Ha, pepagi we buat ni okey. Lagi2 to who yang mmg akan stuck duduk kat kerusi tu whole 8 hours tanpa bergerak..Don't slump yourself please.
1. Sakit belakang
2. Cepat lenguh /cramp
3. Mengantukssssss...zzzzz
Sebenarnya duduk straight up ur back ni boleh membakar kalori jugak. So sesape yang nk kuwus sangat tu, try to straight up your does work even membakar kalori dalam jumlah yg kecil.
Nak lagi mana yang ada 2 3 tingkat office tu, sila naik turun guna tangga ye. Exercise secara tak langsung. Ha kan senang tu! Balik nnt bole mandi, makan, solat and tido je terus....sebab dah exercise kat office..Hik3 ;D

Monday, March 11, 2013

Homemade With Love

Heart filled :

Huu..tajuk surely like 'what? Homemade with love..lover?'. Hahahah~ Not yet, not yet...walaupun tau Encik BF pun suka je masak2 ni tapi dia masak ikut resepi dia sendiri yang takkan dijumpai di mana2 buku resepi. Hehehe...
Ni tajuknya homemade FOOD yang dibuat dengan kasih sayang. ;P.... yang penting healthy, tidak mengunakan sebarang bahan pengawet atau ajinamoto hendaknya! Amboi dah macam bunyi iklan kesihatan plak..;P

Chief Chef : Abah
Co.Chef : Mak
Tukang Makan Chef : Meeeee!! ;P hahahah~

Yeah lately ni, my parents love to do all those pastries - chicken curry puff to chicken mushroom pie and last night our own homemade burger!!! Nyummm~
Tapi ada orang tu takleh makan macam2 sangat sebab have to stick with the Atkins diet... huu can't wait to see the result! Miahahah~ So Adi Putra wannabe * bintang2 rasa hati ; besar kecik ke tetap sayang la! ;D

New book to read! Yeayyy! Thanks Fadzleena for sending this personally and to him too. Kalau to him you autographed it with "Think Sexy"...mine with "Be Sexy"...woww..we feeling sexy now my dear. Hehe~

"Kau boleh menyandar pada seribu bahu kalau kau mahu,
Tapi kau memilih untuk yang satu itu,
Yang paling dungu,
Yang buat kau bersandar sambil air mata kau jatuh bertalu,
dan hati kau pecah beribu"

Well, have to read it first baru leh komen..but I bet it will be a good book then ;)
Now thinking to buy Fynn Jamal punya buku puisi plak.. Kak Al, tolong please ;P

Look Younger Tanpa Botox ;P

Heart digesting :

Actually I was strolling at FB Timeline and find 'petua' kinda interesting. Just wanna share and self reminder to me too. Easy to do but yeah the word of 'M' tu mmg sangat berkuasa. Nyah kamu!
Let's start a brand new day with a better good will ;)

Pilihan Petua Islam Untuk Semua

a. Urutkan wajah anda dengan air dari bawah dagu hingga ke atas dahi diiringi selawat ke atas Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. 3 kali.

b. Gunakan jari telunjuk kedua-dua belah tangan dan letakkan di bawah dagu. Pusingkan jari anda ke pipi,pipi ke hidung dan seterusnya ke bahagian dahi.

c. Lakukan setiap pagi disusuli dengan meminum air suam sebelum mengambil sarapan pagi. Perlu diingat, jangan sekali mengurut wajah anda dari atas ke bawah kerana ia akan mempercepatkan proses kedutan.

d. Sejurus bangun pagi baca doa, amalkan petua ini sebelum mandi dan gosok gigi. Masukkan air dalam mulut selama 10 saat dan selawat 3 kali dalam hati. Kemudian, baru diteguk.

e. Air liur pada awal pagi mengandungi enzim yang boleh menjadi penawar, kemudian barulah menggosok gigi.

f. Baca ayat 35 hingga 38 surah Al-Waqiah setiap kali mandi untuk curahan pertama, mulakan dari kepala.

g. Setelah solat subuh, bacalah surah Yusuf kemudian minum 3 teguk air suam. Mudah-mudahan wajah kelihatan berseri dan awet muda.

h. Setelah itu, lakukan senaman ringan. Hirup udara segar dari luar dan jalan tanpa memakai kasut di halaman yang berumput. Geselkan kaki di atas rumput yang masih berembun.

i. Amalkan memotong kuku atau rambut pada hari-hari baik iaitu Isnin, Khamis dan Jumaat. Mulakan dari telunjuk kanan sehingga kelingking jari kanan, seterusnya kelingking jari kiri ke ibu jari kiri dan diakhiri dengan ibu jari kanan. Amalkan menanam kuku dan rambut yang dipotong atau gugur mudah-mudahan mendapat berkat di dunia dan akhirat.

j. Semasa berdandan pada waktu pagi baca selawat di kedua-dua telapak tangan dan rautkan ke muka beserta niat dalam hati supa diindahkan wajah seperti wajah Nabi Yusuf AS. Amalkan setiap pagi.

k. Ketika makan, janganlah disulami dengan meminum air. Minumlah ½ jam selepas makan.

l. Rajin-rajinlah membaca Al-Quran dengan niat ikhlas kerana Allah.

m. Amalkan solat tahajud.

n. Sentiasa tenang dan bersikap positif.

o. Mulakan sesuatu urusan dengan nawaitu yang baik dan niat kerana Allah.

p. Maafkan semua orang sebelum tidur.

This will be my wall deco in my room. Cool?

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Another Craviness!! -_-

Heart crafted :

Rosso Regale 'from The World' Italia Bell

Entirely painted by hand, this porcelain bell is inspired by the land of Italy with exquisite painting in a wondrous palette of colors. There are only 500 pieces of this lovely bell made.


Details: Limited edition bell with hand-painted illustration of an Italian lady and her gigantic skirt with a design that embodies the Italian culture. Comes with a quote "You have not been made to live like beast but to follow virtue and knowledge" -Dante Alighieri

Rosso Regale New York Bell Ornament

New York, concrete jungle where dreams are made, oh!

New York inspired ornament with bell inside.
Rosso Regale Bell England Multi

Entirely painted by hand, this porcelain bell is inspired by the land of United Kingdom, England with exquisite painting in a wondrous palette of colors. There are only 500 pieces of this lovely bell made.


Details: Limited edition bell with hand-painted illustration of an English lady with a gigantic teapot in place of a skirt and various distinctive features of this country expressed such as the London Bus, Bond Street and its military. Comes with a quote: "Imagine all the people share the world".

p/s : Craving for these!!! -_-

Sombong?.. Taklah!

Brain adjusting:

First impression doesn't mean it will be the true impression.
Judging people tu memang fun! But hati2 it either you see what you want to see or you see between the judgement.
Make it simple, it is normal for you to judge but reserve it first. Janganlah jadi sangat shared with people, pung pang tambah garam gula exaggerated your assumption. Dah rasa ajinomoto ok which kalau makan byk sgt sakit kepala dibuatnya. UNTIL you know that person personally. Ha this one of course you need guts to do it. You tak kenal, you judge, it's not fair. Everyone have their own story. Kenal, analyzing it and rasa not appropriate to be with, ditch it. Don't associate with such people. It all about your own choice.

Well then, there goes my impression to one of my dear friend. Been knowing dia ni ages ago, masa dia jadi MT yang buat rotation kat sini but then few days tengok dia.." muka sombong gila". So makanya buat taktau je la. But happened to be, we met up again at mr.tweet2...haha~ gara2 we have a mutual friend yang sama! Owh my, you kenal plk si Auditor ni. Sekadar tweet, memang tak pernah terfikir to ask the phone number or something. Cam tak perlu je!. Yet from the tweets, I get to know him personally. Totally not like my own first impression last 2 years. Alasannya : SEGAN! yeah we are consider seniors at that time. (Macam zaman sekolah la plak..issue seniority -_- ). Tup, now dia terjah dah kat im office, much more easier as we are using the same Sametime Contacts yang sama.
So nowadays, hari2 kena dengar dia membebel stress. I'm in Motors, dia kat Plantation. We are totally speaks with diff language. So end up we just merepeks all the way in a fun way! Hahah~ This is how KKM girls and boys hilangkan tension or LLB in front of our PC. Hehehe~ Ooppss.

Kisahnya sama la jugak how I met Cinta previously. Huu a photographer, ok fine. Tengok kisah2 hindustan dia in my timeline yang tak pernah berhenti.;P
But who knows, I get to know him personally dengan cara yang sangat kelakar. Gaya cam nak bergaduh je. Kerek amat. Ahahah~ But then hati tisu masing2, Tuhan je yang tau. And out of nowhere we hooked up to each other with really deep understanding. Love you sayang! Hee~

So issue 'sombong'...sebenarnya takde pun, if you really keen to get to know that particular person. Be more curious instead believing your 1st impression.

Cheers!! ^ ^

Monday, March 4, 2013

Love of March -Food!!;P

Brain is sleep derived :

Where is 1st, 2nd, 3rd March entry dear missy?..
Huu malas plus bzbee. Bz makan! ahahaha~ Yes, my days packed with 'makans' event. From eating times in the office, to Sham's wedding (my so called twin in the office) in Selayang Utama and close family gathering @ Setia City Mall. Rasa dah membuncit perut ni. Hee~
Work out, work out! 

But where is the food pictures? -_- Tak dan dah selamat masuk perut. ;P
But then got something special from Cinta. He said he bought it masa I moody last week. Huuu, moody hari2 la, so you gonna buy me all those 'practical things' sebagai ganti for you to be around me. Hik2..Nah just kidding! Hari2 moody, penat kot. Life is too short to stuck with sadness, yet we have to fulfill it with happiness. ;)
Lagipun how that I can afford to be moody all day long if there is someone who really persistent, perseverance to hold my heart up? Thanks my dear sebab sungguh bertenang. I know when you said ...
"You'll never know my kesabaran, you'll never see my kemarahan"...that was not simply words but it does came with some meanings link to my own definition. Imprinted! ^ ^

Huu, what was that? That!! Most sinful Chocolate Rocky Road cake for the last night. Nyumm2. I'm not such a cake eater but to some really good cakes, I'll eat like nobody business. But if comparing to another cake that I have taste, Trianon still the best chocolate cake I ever tasted. Pic?? Seems like I have to go to Citta Mall to buy you that ;)