Memang cool...para pengguna can join it as you wanna learn playing guitar kan....eheheh...
Monday, October 31, 2011
IP4 - Stereo Hearts
Heart singing :
Memang cool...para pengguna can join it as you wanna learn playing guitar kan....eheheh...
Memang cool...para pengguna can join it as you wanna learn playing guitar kan....eheheh...
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Ayat Al-Kursi
Heart feel to share :
It is the Most Respectable Ayat of the Qur’aan Kareem.
Some important benefits of the respected Ayat
The respected Ayat comprises of many important benefits. Some are mentioned hereunder:
1. This is the most lofty Ayat of the Qur’aan Kareem.
2. That is the chief Ayat of the Qur’aan Kareem.
3. The reader of it is protected from the evil effects of the Jinnat from morning until evening and from evening until morning.
4. It is from the threshold of the arsh.
5. It is equal to a quarter of the Qur’aan Kareem.
6. Whoever recites it after the fard Salaat will be protected until the next Salaat and reciting it constantly was done by the Nabi, Siddique or Martyr and only death is the barrier between the reader and Jannat.
7. Blowing it upon food and drink brings blessings and abundance.
8. It is greater than the skies, earth, Jannat and Jahannam.
9. Whosoever reads it upon entering the home, Satan runs away from there.
10. The reciter, his children, home, wealth, property and the homes of his neighbors are safe.
11. Whosoever reads it together with the last Ayats of Surah Baqarah, Shaitaan does not enter his home for three days.
12. The Jinnaat cannot open any utensil upon which it is read.
13. In it is the Ism Azam.
14. The thief does not come near it’s reciter.
15. When recited with the last Ayat of Surah Baqarah then the plea of the reciter will not go unattended.
16. When reciting it whilst retiring to one’s sleeping place, one is protected until the morning. Two angels are deputed to protect him.
17. Whosoever recites it after every fard Salaat, will be rewarded with a grateful heart, a remembering tongue, the reward of being martyred in the path of Allaah, and will also be rewarded like the Siddiques.
18. Who reads it and “Inna Rabba bi kum Allaah..” and the last two Quls for a women on delivery, then the delivery becomes easy.
19. When one reads it and blows on his possessions and goods, then Shaitaan will not come near.
20. Whosoever reads Ayatul Kursi and the beginning of Surah Ghafir in the morning then he will be protected and be safe from the morning until the evening and vice versa. Subahaanallaah!.
Urdu translation completed in Makkah Mukarramah by Muhammad Habibullaah Mukhtaar. English translation also completed in Makkah Mukarramah - Zil Haj 1418 (1998).
p/s: To my dear GFs who feel the pain, the sorrow... hold these..believe this..HE always with you...
It is the Most Respectable Ayat of the Qur’aan Kareem.
Some important benefits of the respected Ayat
The respected Ayat comprises of many important benefits. Some are mentioned hereunder:
1. This is the most lofty Ayat of the Qur’aan Kareem.
2. That is the chief Ayat of the Qur’aan Kareem.
3. The reader of it is protected from the evil effects of the Jinnat from morning until evening and from evening until morning.
4. It is from the threshold of the arsh.
5. It is equal to a quarter of the Qur’aan Kareem.
6. Whoever recites it after the fard Salaat will be protected until the next Salaat and reciting it constantly was done by the Nabi, Siddique or Martyr and only death is the barrier between the reader and Jannat.
7. Blowing it upon food and drink brings blessings and abundance.
8. It is greater than the skies, earth, Jannat and Jahannam.
9. Whosoever reads it upon entering the home, Satan runs away from there.
10. The reciter, his children, home, wealth, property and the homes of his neighbors are safe.
11. Whosoever reads it together with the last Ayats of Surah Baqarah, Shaitaan does not enter his home for three days.
12. The Jinnaat cannot open any utensil upon which it is read.
13. In it is the Ism Azam.
14. The thief does not come near it’s reciter.
15. When recited with the last Ayat of Surah Baqarah then the plea of the reciter will not go unattended.
16. When reciting it whilst retiring to one’s sleeping place, one is protected until the morning. Two angels are deputed to protect him.
17. Whosoever recites it after every fard Salaat, will be rewarded with a grateful heart, a remembering tongue, the reward of being martyred in the path of Allaah, and will also be rewarded like the Siddiques.
18. Who reads it and “Inna Rabba bi kum Allaah..” and the last two Quls for a women on delivery, then the delivery becomes easy.
19. When one reads it and blows on his possessions and goods, then Shaitaan will not come near.
20. Whosoever reads Ayatul Kursi and the beginning of Surah Ghafir in the morning then he will be protected and be safe from the morning until the evening and vice versa. Subahaanallaah!.
Urdu translation completed in Makkah Mukarramah by Muhammad Habibullaah Mukhtaar. English translation also completed in Makkah Mukarramah - Zil Haj 1418 (1998).
p/s: To my dear GFs who feel the pain, the sorrow... hold these..believe this..HE always with you...
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Favourable It Girl
Brain sinking with the instruments :
I just fall in love with the melody....hear by the beats and tap of the song..;))
I just fall in love with the melody....hear by the beats and tap of the song..;))
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Heart felt it just so true :
Allah did not promise:
Days without pain,
Laughter without sorrow,
Sun without rain.
Days without pain,
Laughter without sorrow,
Sun without rain.
But he did promise:
Strength for the day,
Comfort for the tears,
and light for our ways.
Strength for the day,
Comfort for the tears,
and light for our ways.
Nik Harith Danish Onboard...^_^
Heart felt the love :
Now one of my angels..dah bergelar Mummyyy!!
It just feel like so yesterday I attended I can called as
Wedding of the Year in my year…( pastinye bukan propa lebih okeh..eheheh)
Been knowing her getting sick since morning of yesterday,
started to bleed and the contraction getting worst…only doa’ can be with her..
Early in the morning at 3.00am.. tersgt la mamai got this msg..
A’kum & salam sejahtera..alhamdullilah. isteri saya telah selamat melahirkan seorang putera sebentar td, 10.45pm,18/10/2011@hospital umra,seksyen 13 shah alam – nik khairul rizal
Ayat PTD sungguh dia ni taw..yeayy…but to be honest tears
dropping when reading it. Alhamdullilah…sujud syukur …I’m so happy for you guys…
Welcome aboard baby chuk!! Time for you to see the world. ;))
And tghri td, me, Miss GG & Mr.Meow2 did go visit her ....darling, I really miss you ada lagi sorg in the gang... eheheh~
Now I'm presenting...
Nik Harith Danish Nik Khairul Rizal
Monday, October 17, 2011
Loveliest Weekender..;))
Heart feel at ease :
Wahh ni pe kes KL jalan tutup hari2 Ahad ni?? Adoii...ada bicycle event...OCB nye kot..habes satu KL ko nk conquer kan...Down...naseb janji kul 11...sbb nk makan nasi lemak punye pasal...
Ok kanak2....nk pegi KLCC ...sila naik public transport ye...kalau nk drive tak kisah je...hadap la jem tu and parking fees yg mengila punye mahal...hee~
Ini la keje saya....
1st - menganggu ketenteraman Mummy Ayu kat kedai Ayam Penyet dia...dkt org2 situ kena sebut betul2..jd "Ayam Penyit2"...Aduh ...len macam dah bunyi nye... Macam2 kuih ada...siap makan sepinggan dah la tggu ada org tuh sampai...Ish2...
Nasi Ayam Penyet tu mmg sedap...resepi mak mentua Mummy Ayu sndri..lain la sambal dia...Go guys try it..dalam Mayang Food Court Avenue K...naik LRT Putra tu turun kat KLCC stesen...xyah masuk KLCC...sila pusing ke kanan anda bila pass je tmpt tiket tu..nampak besar2 AVENUE K kaler pink!... Huish promote...heheh...Ayu next time Enny dtg nk tapaw kueh splastik...bleh kan?huhu~ Pix atas ni Mery & Ady....kenal mmg dah berzaman...Ady tu kitaorg culik dr Chopard kejap...penat melayan dia berckp..kata SA....naseb ada knowledge nk ckp apa ngn dia...if not mati kutu ooo...Sorry time kita chitchat lagi ye...and nnt you main teka2 what design dr boutique mana my ring & watch coming je......I xmampu pakai Chopard 15K u tuh.....;P ( dia baca ni mmg konpem kena kunci dlm security room Chopard tu...ahahah)
2nd - Mari2 berjalan cuci mata tgk seni...Gallery Petronas, KLCC....Knew bout this Irresistible Wear Exhibition dari Sandra punye blog...excited to see it...
Nak masuk sila register dulu ye para2 sahabatku...jgn pakai redah je...Ish2... Admission free ..jgn risau...sape pencinta arts...rajin2 la dtg sini sbb mmg slalu ada exhibition yg pasti menarik hati... If you bawak org yg x minat benda2 camni, sila ready tuk tgk muka blur2 spider mereka ye... sbb I dah kena...ahahah~ xpe la janji ada teman...
Next!! Ok last one la ni...
3rd - Ni takde dlm dah alang2 tgk TGV tuh cam xde org je...mari layan REAL STEEL!! Cool....
Memang superb...worth the fights!! Tgk robot gaduh lagi bagus dr tgk gaduh...sakit otak dibuatnye..huhu~ Tgk la trailer dia sndri...malas nk type lg ni...heee..
Kesudahan untuk harinye...balik2...esok keje...;P....With the end of the day with the last word saying "Gdnite baby"...Aww...tetiba plk kan....Ok tdo jum!
Kampung Baru > Avenue K > KLCC
Sakan jalan kan...hehehe~ Orang single mingle mmg mcm ni... The plan was up as a dear GF dah bbm bagai nk pecah BB ku itu..." Enny!! Rindu nk jumpa ni...jum2 jumpa mummy gak...." She never failed to pujuk to ajak to date with this Miss Enny yg bz senantiasa...Bz apa cek pun xtau..;PWahh ni pe kes KL jalan tutup hari2 Ahad ni?? Adoii...ada bicycle event...OCB nye kot..habes satu KL ko nk conquer kan...Down...naseb janji kul 11...sbb nk makan nasi lemak punye pasal...
Ok kanak2....nk pegi KLCC ...sila naik public transport ye...kalau nk drive tak kisah je...hadap la jem tu and parking fees yg mengila punye mahal...hee~
Ini la keje saya....
1st - menganggu ketenteraman Mummy Ayu kat kedai Ayam Penyet dia...dkt org2 situ kena sebut betul2..jd "Ayam Penyit2"...Aduh ...len macam dah bunyi nye... Macam2 kuih ada...siap makan sepinggan dah la tggu ada org tuh sampai...Ish2...
Nasi Ayam Penyet tu mmg sedap...resepi mak mentua Mummy Ayu sndri..lain la sambal dia...Go guys try it..dalam Mayang Food Court Avenue K...naik LRT Putra tu turun kat KLCC stesen...xyah masuk KLCC...sila pusing ke kanan anda bila pass je tmpt tiket tu..nampak besar2 AVENUE K kaler pink!... Huish promote...heheh...Ayu next time Enny dtg nk tapaw kueh splastik...bleh kan?huhu~ Pix atas ni Mery & Ady....kenal mmg dah berzaman...Ady tu kitaorg culik dr Chopard kejap...penat melayan dia berckp..kata SA....naseb ada knowledge nk ckp apa ngn dia...if not mati kutu ooo...Sorry time kita chitchat lagi ye...and nnt you main teka2 what design dr boutique mana my ring & watch coming je......I xmampu pakai Chopard 15K u tuh.....;P ( dia baca ni mmg konpem kena kunci dlm security room Chopard tu...ahahah)
2nd - Mari2 berjalan cuci mata tgk seni...Gallery Petronas, KLCC....Knew bout this Irresistible Wear Exhibition dari Sandra punye blog...excited to see it...
Nak masuk sila register dulu ye para2 sahabatku...jgn pakai redah je...Ish2... Admission free ..jgn risau...sape pencinta arts...rajin2 la dtg sini sbb mmg slalu ada exhibition yg pasti menarik hati... If you bawak org yg x minat benda2 camni, sila ready tuk tgk muka blur2 spider mereka ye... sbb I dah kena...ahahah~ xpe la janji ada teman...
Next!! Ok last one la ni...
3rd - Ni takde dlm dah alang2 tgk TGV tuh cam xde org je...mari layan REAL STEEL!! Cool....
Memang superb...worth the fights!! Tgk robot gaduh lagi bagus dr tgk gaduh...sakit otak dibuatnye..huhu~ Tgk la trailer dia sndri...malas nk type lg ni...heee..
Kesudahan untuk harinye...balik2...esok keje...;P....With the end of the day with the last word saying "Gdnite baby"...Aww...tetiba plk kan....Ok tdo jum!
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
KLPF & Lunch Date ^_^
Heart felt so artsy :
This was a plan thing as I just read the BBM status of a friend that one of his art piece will be published at KLPF 2011 @Mid Valley Exhibition Center. Wooowww......So gonna go to see that.. yeah pastinya untuk benda2 macam ni Abah & Mak la jadi mangsa peneman saya...heee~ Nak ajak para they interested la pulak kan...;P
Aiyark..arriving so kinda very makanya sempat pegi tgk fair lain...there was Chocolate Fair toooo....wink2...(it's a local chocolate industry...) pusing2..menarik jugak la...even sempat purchased some of the chocolates and tasted a real buah koko...ok 1st time yawww...rasa cam buah manggis...sedap..( ok maafkan saya bdk yg terlebih bandar yang mmg xpnh rs the original buah koko...rasa pun yg dah siap macam korg pernah rasa kan kan kan...xpernah jgk kan? ;P)
OK, times up...11 am dah...time for KLPF...;)
Ok yang ni kena tulis besar2 skit...
There you go my superb weekend...heee~
Eh lupa, tajuk entry ada "Lunch Date " ..;P....this was the same day....I met my En.Batman he dah kat Labuan..sedang bekerja keras..;P..hari2 BBM pun...kena teman..if not nanti dia layan emo..haih...oppss...
Leks ok awak..lama2 nnt ok la kat sana tu...nanti we come over to visit you okeh...;D
This was a plan thing as I just read the BBM status of a friend that one of his art piece will be published at KLPF 2011 @Mid Valley Exhibition Center. Wooowww......So gonna go to see that.. yeah pastinya untuk benda2 macam ni Abah & Mak la jadi mangsa peneman saya...heee~ Nak ajak para they interested la pulak kan...;P
Aiyark..arriving so kinda very makanya sempat pegi tgk fair lain...there was Chocolate Fair toooo....wink2...(it's a local chocolate industry...) pusing2..menarik jugak la...even sempat purchased some of the chocolates and tasted a real buah koko...ok 1st time yawww...rasa cam buah manggis...sedap..( ok maafkan saya bdk yg terlebih bandar yang mmg xpnh rs the original buah koko...rasa pun yg dah siap macam korg pernah rasa kan kan kan...xpernah jgk kan? ;P)
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Mak sgt adore these cakes and chocs by this manufacture..but unfortunately ia tdk dijual..heee |
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Akhirnya jumpa jugak...this founded at B&W Section..Shazni your pic are awesome!! |
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Comel kan...of if me buying this just become part of my collections item..miahahaha~ |
Ok yang ni kena tulis besar2 skit...
I want up above pix as my birthday prezzieee...J1 ke V1 ke....I xkisah....but I really want this!!!
There you go my superb weekend...heee~
Eh lupa, tajuk entry ada "Lunch Date " ..;P....this was the same day....I met my En.Batman he dah kat Labuan..sedang bekerja keras..;P..hari2 BBM pun...kena teman..if not nanti dia layan emo..haih...oppss...
Leks ok awak..lama2 nnt ok la kat sana tu...nanti we come over to visit you okeh...;D
Weekend Yang Packed!!
Brain exhausted :
Tada!!! Ini la keje last weekend...mencuci rumah...Last week dah amik kunci..then parento sgt excited nk menyental bagai...owh sungguh penat! But it was really good exercise bg mereka2 yang jarang berexcises...ehehe~ Memang exercise sungguh..Best! ;P
Terletaknye di new township of Bandar Saujana Putra, will be my new neighbourhood... Wuhuuu....dah la satu kejiranan dgn own officemate..ish2....takpe...ko nk dtg pinjam gula garam..bole tggu cek pindah dulu no...;P ...I yg nk pindah , dia yg excited....ish2...
Diberi nama Topaz 3, rumah ni mmg sgt compact 18 x 55....if sumbat furniture yang betul cantik jugak kan ..kan ..kan...but before that....kena buat renovation skit dulu...huuu kena extend dapur...naik tembok kiri kanan..tukar gate...then baru bole fikir interior pulak... (Abah dah siapkan the list ok!...saya nk pengsan dulu boleh? huhuhu)
To be true, this is one of major main wish list that need to be complete before I reach the golden age of 30...( omg...sounded like so near and tua! ;P
Tapi thanks to someone..iaitu En.Batman saya yang slalu be proud of me bila shared dgn dia benda2 macam ni...Yeayy..
Mari2..bagi cuci mata...few of friends pun dah beli rumah leh kongsi2 info...nih I kidnapped pix2 rumah mereka..;P - cantikkkkk..jeles sikit....heee~
Akasha - Suri Putri Serviced Apartment Shah Alam
So you guys?? Cari la aset di kala masih muda remaja..bukan pow Datuk2...Datin2...or parents sendiri...try to get your own...u will know what the feel ^_^ .yes memang responsibilities and komitmen makin banyak.. but that make us more mature in life...Life are not easy as we getting old but its also up to you to make it wonderful by your own effort...
Sekian untuk hari ini ..;P
Tada!!! Ini la keje last weekend...mencuci rumah...Last week dah amik kunci..then parento sgt excited nk menyental bagai...owh sungguh penat! But it was really good exercise bg mereka2 yang jarang berexcises...ehehe~ Memang exercise sungguh..Best! ;P
Terletaknye di new township of Bandar Saujana Putra, will be my new neighbourhood... Wuhuuu....dah la satu kejiranan dgn own officemate..ish2....takpe...ko nk dtg pinjam gula garam..bole tggu cek pindah dulu no...;P ...I yg nk pindah , dia yg excited....ish2...
Diberi nama Topaz 3, rumah ni mmg sgt compact 18 x 55....if sumbat furniture yang betul cantik jugak kan ..kan ..kan...but before that....kena buat renovation skit dulu...huuu kena extend dapur...naik tembok kiri kanan..tukar gate...then baru bole fikir interior pulak... (Abah dah siapkan the list ok!...saya nk pengsan dulu boleh? huhuhu)
To be true, this is one of major main wish list that need to be complete before I reach the golden age of 30...( omg...sounded like so near and tua! ;P
Tapi thanks to someone..iaitu En.Batman saya yang slalu be proud of me bila shared dgn dia benda2 macam ni...Yeayy..
Mari2..bagi cuci mata...few of friends pun dah beli rumah leh kongsi2 info...nih I kidnapped pix2 rumah mereka..;P - cantikkkkk..jeles sikit....heee~
Ayu & Abang Amin - Saujana Utama, Sg.Buloh
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Courtesy FB Mummy Ayu... - married couple yang sgt happy with this beautiful house! |
Adly - Banting
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Courtesy FB Adly - a soon gonna be a BOSS who stay with his mum...;)) |
Daniel Chua - Bukit Kemuning ..kot...( Sime Darby Properties)
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Courtesy FB Daniel - ok fine, this guy mmg kaya I can't say much if the house is superb! |
Akasha - Suri Putri Serviced Apartment Shah Alam
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Courtesy Google - En.Batman saya yang xreti2 pegi tgk rumah dia dah siap ke belum..ehehe |
So you guys?? Cari la aset di kala masih muda remaja..bukan pow Datuk2...Datin2...or parents sendiri...try to get your own...u will know what the feel ^_^ .yes memang responsibilities and komitmen makin banyak.. but that make us more mature in life...Life are not easy as we getting old but its also up to you to make it wonderful by your own effort...
Sekian untuk hari ini ..;P
Friday, October 7, 2011
To My Dear Future Husband
Heart solely wanna say :
Even though I don’t know who you’ll be yet, I think of you often. I
already love you for His sake and I miss you. I wonder how you’re living
your life, what kind of man you are, what kind of a personality you
have. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.
You’ll be one
of the best people I’ve ever known and the best friend I’ll ever have.
Your sincerity and your love are more than enough for me. I promise
I’ll respect you, I’ll honor you and I’ll protect you as much as you’ll
protect me. I promise I won’t disobey you. I promise I’ll be faithful
and loyal. I’ll give you happiness and tranquility. I’ll make you a
cheerful, comfortable, and pleasant home. I’ll do my best to raise our
children so they’ll be successful, smart, and respectful people. I’ll
try to not offend you or hurt your feelings. And if I do, I won’t let
you go to sleep until you’re happy again. I’ll fight jealousy and
I’ll be your Khadijah, so I hope you’ll be my Muhammad.
Much love
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Memori Tercipta
Heart smiling while putting up notions :
Memang benar kita sentiasa diulit memori....tapi terpulang jua pada kita untuk membezakan mana yang nyata, yang pasti atau hanya fantasi....
Memories for me only for my learning path not for crawling into it for that I'll thanks for those memories and I'll create another good memory for up coming more turning back... ^_^
Bergetar jiwa dipersada bercahaya
Pertemuan harapan pertama kalinya
Bergetar jiwa menghadapi mimpi-mimpi
Sukar dipercaya pintunya terbuka
Pertemuan harapan pertama kalinya
Bergetar jiwa menghadapi mimpi-mimpi
Sukar dipercaya pintunya terbuka
Di sini jua memori tercipta
Walau seketika terjalin kasih kita
Mungkin disini kita kan terpisah
Kenangan bersama tiada kulupa
Walau seketika terjalin kasih kita
Mungkin disini kita kan terpisah
Kenangan bersama tiada kulupa
Mengalun suara sesuri bisikan hati
Seiringan mencari haluan berseni
Bergetar jiwa menghadapi mimpi-mimpi
Tiada pun terduga pintunya terbuka
Seiringan mencari haluan berseni
Bergetar jiwa menghadapi mimpi-mimpi
Tiada pun terduga pintunya terbuka
Yang terpahit jua termanis
Semuanya bagiku terindah
Kuingati buat selama-lamanya
Semuanya bagiku terindah
Kuingati buat selama-lamanya
Memang benar kita sentiasa diulit memori....tapi terpulang jua pada kita untuk membezakan mana yang nyata, yang pasti atau hanya fantasi....
Memories for me only for my learning path not for crawling into it for that I'll thanks for those memories and I'll create another good memory for up coming more turning back... ^_^
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Awesome Oct
Its started perfectly and hope it will be last till the end.
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