Brains need to update this :
Okey2, this entry got nothing related to the emotion of mine right now kay peeps..;)
Tada!!This is what..
Latiff Ibrahim, Safura, Anding Indrawani, Deja Moss, Faradhiya, Shajiry, Nadia Aqilah, Vince, Norish Karman and Tony Eusoff.
Guess where we were sitting? Clue – the red one!!;P
It was an adaptation from a movie called ‘CINTA’..please google if you doesn’t know this story before. (Actually I also thought it will be a different story as the title reflects to Afghan songs which for the exact movie…I haven’t watch the movie too..;P)
Attended to the first performance ever for the act,as on 17 & 18 February shows has been cancelled for some reasons…Cool..and of course you can’t aspect much… (warning..don’t aspect this piece of act will be boommm something like Puteri Gunung Ledang’s piece previously as it is totally a different genre)..;P
Overall I can say it was a good shows..all actors/actresses can really sing..mmg out of expectations..hee~ the compilation of the songs…GOOSEBUMPSSS!! Story line? It was a slow acting I can say but it is what it is..CINTA…need I explain more?heheh~ Just a lil bit weird were the costume for the castings…but nevermind, their powerful singing already covering up the lacking plus the pintu grill can’t be open suddenly while they dancing..ahahaha~Ok2…we close one eyes yeah..;P
Btw, today show also were a preview for media and VIPs…so the audience kinda packed for the day. ;)) some familiar faces..ok buat2 tak kenal eh…nyorok dulu..heee…..even the photog at the merchandise booth cubaan tuk mmbuat system barter pin BB kan for us to buy the merchandise..ish2…(hello I kenal you kot…ish….sat gi i cari you nyer video sampai dapat!Ngeng tul…;P)ahahaha~
Started at 3.00 pm till 6.00 pm..owh my…then we did some ad-hock plan….BURLESQUE coming up…!! At 7.00 pm till 9.00pm..(AGAIN!!!) What a day!! Thanks Syaira for becoming a great I yang jadi companion ke you?:P
The ticket!!!
Where my pic for the day??Of cos zero as I was the one who didn’t bring my ‘baby’..hikhik~
Whatever it is…we did have a GREAT time right! Next coming up……LAT KAMPUNG BOY THE MUSICAL..weeee..
Till then..night peeps..;)
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